
Tangente: “Demokratie” als letzter Schwerpunkt

Tangente: “Demokratie” als letzter Schwerpunkt

After the two Schwerpunkt themes ‘Biology’ and ‘Erinnerung’ have appeared, the four weeks of theme democracy have come to the forefront of the festivals. The Tangente St. Pölten has started as Ziel with an unnoticed project of the most common aspects of democracy.

The last power that the Wochenende Julian Warners and Veronika Maurers “Kampf um de Stadt. A wrestling show”. At this lusty equipment with themes such as class, culture and class camps, professional wrestlers and wrestlers can develop and work together in teams. The central question of the pieces: Who separated, who is the city changed?

Wrestler at Festival Tangente


Zum Auftakt will be a “Kampf um die Stadt” inszeniert

In a city in St. Pölten 60,000 people have walked. Artist Teresa Distelberger has the idea that she regains her power, while the human body temperature is defined and will go his or her own way. That is what she has done with the social game “about home”. “It is an event to listen to and to develop one’s own pictures about home”, she says.

In the rooms of two Wirtshaus-Salons and an Abschlussgala, the Spielbrett and Culinarischen Schmankerln were presented to the many sampled Perspektiven serviert. The Abschlussgala will take place on September 28 at the Tangente Festivalzentrum statt.

Tangente Schwerpunkt Democracy

Theresa Vogl

For the wrestling show of Julian Warner and Veronika Maurer, the Aufbau read in the Jahnturnhalle in St. Pölten

Uraufführung in the Festspielhaus

The Frage der Teilhabe, de Macht und de politiken Verantwortung sett themselves from their origins in Iran. Director Amir Reza Koohestani with the interpretation of Friedrich Schiller’s “Maria Stuart”, took off on September 13 in the Landestheater Niederösterreich. There is a tendency to be concerned about the rights of women in Iran, which became inhaftiert, weil sie nach more Autonomy desire.

Themes wie Krieg, Klimakatastrofen und Unrechtigkeit beschäftigen de Menschen weltweit. Bettina Masuch, artistic leader of the Festspielhaus St. Pölten, can purchase a space for Austausch and Diskussion with her conversation format “Salon D”. “We will live a natural life with the Fragen Unserer Zeit and wollen herausfinden, who will offer us a surprising and authentic cuisine,” says Masuch.

Eco Fresh

Ben Hamer

Eko Fresh competes in the Rahmen of the “Festivals für Arbeiter:innenkultur” on

There is no talk of a conversation format based on the festival of democratic themes. “We can start the season with a strong program. Artists like Kyle Abraham, Philippe Quesne and Joana Tischkau interpret in their own Weise”, says Masuch.

Auch Angebote für Familien mit Kindern

“Now the world is changing” today is the “KinderKunstLabor” on September 20, both of the “Super Farm” since the families on September 28 will be filled with a unique world of science.

The “Working Class! Festival for Workers:Inner Culture” by Esra Özmen and Thomas Kern will be held on September 20 and 21 at the Höfefest and the TangenteStraßenfest. On October 2, literary announcements and fragments of identity, history and passing will be published with Jessica Lind and Olga Grjasnowa. I came across Elisabeth Schimanas’ “Virus #3.6 – Twilight Zones” at the St. Pölten Cathedral, one of the tangent uprisings of the Auftragswerk.

Schaufenster with Bildern at Festival Tangente

Andreas Frans

Leere Schaufenster was brought to the Festivalende with Bildern

Leere Schaufenster was sent to “Stadt-Galerie”

On Donnerstag bis zum Festivalende am 6. Oktober we walk along the Geschäftslokale and Schaufenster von der Linzer Straße over the Rathausgasse bis in the Wiener Straße and the Herrenhof in a “Stadt-Galerie”. Künstlerinnen and Künstler say in the work of the three Schwerpunkten der Tangente: Ökologie, Erinnerung and Demokratie