
Online reports – Gesellschaft – Menschenhunt in the Bergwaldern of Laos

Online reports – Gesellschaft – Menschenhunt in the Bergwaldern of Laos

© Photos by Rebecca Sommer

Online reports – Gesellschaft – Menschenhunt in the Bergwaldern of Laos

“Mörderische Gewalt”: Hmong-Kinder im thailändischen Gefängnis, Hmong-Frauen

Die Verfolgung des Volkes der Hmong: Eine deutsche Filmerin zwingen die Welt zum Hinschauen

By Ruedi Suter

In the Gebirgswaldern of Laos the year plays a tragic story, the first thing that can be done: Regierungstruppen versuchen with all Mitteln, Gruppen der Hmong-Minderheit auszulöschen. Ohne Rücksicht auf Alter en Geschlecht. The Völkermord begins to civilize the UNO.

The Greuel is undone. Half starved men, women and children in the most remote areas of kampflugzeugen and hubschraubern with machines, bombs and chemical camp materials under the best protection. In general, the nachstossenden messenger troops of the Laotian army in the fallen hands, leading persecutions, stupefactions, abuses or they were gleich killed. These reports come from a few international human rights organizations. You can view your previous films, photos and the extensive reports.

Not seen in the media

But the manhunt against the Hmong groups in the forests of Laos will now have a few media themes. The observation of gilded “fashion themes” – the fighting in Afghanistan, in the Near East, in the Horn of Africa and the sows of the beautiful, much less persecuted, murder of the people in Darfur. Most human legal treatises that have undergone genocide and mass events will often bring with them a beneficial development.

It concerns the persecuted Hmong in Laos, where it happens. Ihre Leidensgeschichte geht auf de Vietnamkrieg zurück. A North Vietnamese in the course of the Laos refugee route, the Ho-Chi-Minh-Pfad, disbanded and communist Pathet Lao in Laos, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) started a “Secret Armee” of more than 10,000 years Males warm up . See file for better health during your stay during the mountainous life of the Hmong-Minderheit.

In the Strudel of the Vietnam War

From American and Thai countries in Thai training butchers, these Hmong-Kämpfer operate in the small Unit of the rebels of Pathet Lao and the North Vietnamese. While the camps use the Laotian regimes and the communists, the bombings of the US have begun in a lonely country, while the neutral Laos raged more in the strudel of the Vietnam War. Therefore also lies the Hmong population, in 1973 there were 120,000 refugees. Only between 1960 and 1975 around 30,000 Hmong would have returned. One of the Communist takeovers in 1975 saw Hmong-Angaben promoted to 50,000 Volksangehörige in the following three years by poison gas attacks and 45,000 who lost their lives through hunger, illness and hatred.

Particularly the parties that have a small reduction of the parts of Laos in Laos, which the Pathet Lao can use to achieve a large amount of the time of the highest expenditure. “The belongings in Laos still want to justify themselves for this”, comes the Society for the deceived People of Germany (GfbV) to the end. Before the film star Rebecca Sommer made her entire year with her research for Ort the broadcast of 240 in Thailand, a report was made 50 times about the tragedy in the Laotian mountain world.

Tasende schmoren in Thai Gefängnissen

If you are concerned with the human rule of law of the national nations and the EU government that exerts this international pressure, it is one of the many human right elections and the minority of the expenditure. While the “Arbeitsgruppe for indigenous peoples” of the UNO and the UN-Volksammlung are one of the dramatic Lage of the Hmong in Laos – and in Thailand, the Tausenden Hmong will use the Ausschaffung-droht in primitive conditions. This Kerker has taken over the leadership of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights under Louise Arbour, and Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, has been deported.

Laut der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch hat Louise Arbor in this month of Geneva from Thailand’s Regierung explicitly enforced, the international Verpflichtungen gegenüber Flüchtlingen and Asylsuchenden zu respectektieren. Progress with patience, while the big flight from Laos takes longer and is traumatizing in the Phetchabun-Provinz and the Strassenrändern or as an “illegal Einwanderer” in overcrowded Flüchtlingslagern or Haftanstalten niederlassen. After all, it seems like a new move: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand’s Minister Nitay Pibulsonggram, who are responsible for the Laotic members of the Green Committee (“General Border Committee”), are responsible for the basis of “Transparenz und Gegenseitigem Einvernehmen” a single Verbesserung der Lage der bound 7000 nach Thailand geflohenen Hmong kümmern soll.

No access to the playing area

The best assessment of the Laotian direction in the capital Vientiane after who for all human legal elections in their own country. No one can be in the Haysomboun Sperrgebied, but the Laotian sisters are with Vietnamese Soldiers Hunting the “Rebels” machen sollen: Rotes Kreuz-Delegierte nicht, UNO-Beobachter and Journalisten nicht.

There are many Hmong groups, who have spent 30 years in the remote communities of Laos, without any reduction. Am 1. Soll nach Berichten van Menschenrechtsorganisationen een Kriegsflugzeug über de Wäldern von Phoua Dapho een bislang unbekanntes Gift versprüht haben, das zwar nicht sofort Tote forderte aber more as 200 verteckte Hmong erkranken lies. If you wish, you should light a schwindel and a blutigem during the autumn. Wenge Tage später soll das Gebiet von Bodentruppen angegriffen sein and mindsestens sieben Hmong das Leben kostenet haben.

Laut Rebecca Zomer has not yet 20,000 treasury of the Laotian direction as the last betrachtete Hmong in the Wäldern of Laos hidden. The living foundations were systematically destroyed. And when you die, you will not have to deal with the evil campfire of your life anymore. Most people see the fear between the two or the directed generation. It looks like the Bauern family is getting a little older by the soldiers they use.

How animals are hunted

If they were not born, the Hmong could never build again or feuer. Most years do not last longer in Pflanzen and Wurzeln. Viele stürben an Hunger, Erschöpfung, Krankheiten or, mangels Medizin und Verbandmaterial, een nicht concentrateden Wunden. Rebecca Sommer never became safe, via the internet of the Leiden history of the Hmong Groups before August to fly. On the site “Hunted like animals” (“Wie Tiere gejagt”), a few of the two parts of the Dschungel schmuggelten film are recorded, which is no longer forgotten. And that is what is in sight: The Verfolgung der Hmong in Laos will no longer be ignored.

The other Hmong travels wander through China

The tribes that come from China are still not under the names Miao with new millions of years a larger less large picture. The Bauernden Miao would have received one of the Han Chinese from the North in the uncontrolled South Chinese economy. Every woman who absorbs a textile culture can reach the high quality of the world and dominate the own Mao’s Gleichmmacher-Politics. I am 19. Jahrhundert wanders through Miao-Grupen in Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, where he can be under the names Hmong.

The population density in Laos is one of the best ways to work in Angaben. They move between 200,000 and 430,000 degrees and live in the mountainous region of Luang Prabang, Xien Khouang and Sam Neua provinces. Tausende Hmong from Laos would have won their Vietnam War in the US, after Canada and France.

April 8, 2007

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