
NEST Unit «STEP2» eröffnet – new technology for resource-friendly construction for market development (

NEST Unit «STEP2» eröffnet – new technology for resource-friendly construction for market development (

September 10, 2024

(Empa) A digitally processed Treppe, which is in the second Stock-windet. A large amount of perforated Betondecke, which absorbs the sound. Floor and wall material made of recycled waste materials. The new construction module in the Research and Innovation Building NEST and the Empa is a Lighthouse for material saving and energy-efficient construction technology. The unit «STEP2» should be official at the end of August. (Texte en français >>)

In the Schweiz shift of the construction sector with the most rohstoffe, ensures the greatest demolition and is responsible for a drop of all CO2 emissions. With the modular research and innovation team NEST, we have set up an Empa community with 150 partners from research, business and business operations over the eight years of creating new technology and materials for a resource-friendly construction industry that has emerged. buy in the market.

The new Beispiel is the unit «STEP2»: The Swedish module is in the Südostecke of NEST about a series of innovations, the everything that is done with soul, the material and energy consumption that is used and a circular run with our resources are used. “It is a big challenge that Anliegen, which will start successfully, gives the market in the construction sector a chance”, says Enrico Marchesi, Innovation Manager at NEST.

RealR «Business Cases» developed
The team of the main partner BASF and the architect of ROK has developed the company’s NEST team to get ideas on the market relevance and to develop real «Business Cases» with the new partner. «For a main partner who is in ‹STEP2», the chemical know-how of BASF has been expanded with the other partners in the design, new and sustainable solutions for the construction of e-infliess on welds. Because it is so good that innovation on the market is now no longer possible, the company can concern itself with the development of the future growth on the larger scale, says Olivier Enger, Senior Innovation Manager at BASF.

The team of Anfang has developed – for a construction project or a unique – Co-Creation approach. «In the practice of a solution for construction projects, it is possible to bring about the construction of the construction», says architect Silvan Oesterle of ROK. Prepared for the first skizze all relevant documents on one and diskette with. “Now you can prepare for the integration of the new technology in the construction project for all possible aspects, explains Oesterle and the next construction of the “integrated architectural architecture”. The result is that these functional and aesthetic unique construction innovations have now been found in the new NEST unit «STEP2».

Multifunctional and resource-optimized seating deck
Beim Betreten von «STEP2» founded the deck in August. If the Rippen-Filigrandecke is designed, it is possible to build a span of 14 meters and it is especially important for the office and high-rise building. Entwickelt would help the Deckke of the architectural firm ROK together with the engineering firm WaltGalmarini and Stahlton. Using proprietary digital planning methods and 3D printed scales for the elementary elements that enable material storage, CO2 emissions are reduced with a concrete slab deck that reaches a span of 40%.

No structural function can be applied to the cover that is added together with other functions: integrated, 3D-printed boxes, filled with a BASF barrel foam with shell insulation, provide for a pleasant smoke filter, proud soundproof upper surface. If you keep the cover at the warm temperature, the temperature is captured and there is a larger component of the energy concepts of the unit.

Digitally gefertigte Betontreppe
In the Swedish stock work of the unit is a man a geschwungen concrete treppe with the blades called “Cadenza”, the symbolic backbone of the Gebäudes Darstellt. For the Treppe the team runs with the Lehrstuhl «Digital Building Technologies» of ETH Zurich and the architectural ROK with full possibilities for computer-aided design and 3D printing. The 17 Treppenstufen can be executed with a single 3D-printed operation, the one complex and the material used are reduced. The technology of the Empa-Spin-offs refers to a simple basic formation, which fixes the other gefädelte stufen.

In the realization of the advanced construction side, the expertise of the BASF-Tochtergesellschaft Forward AM and New Digital Craft in the area of ​​Material and 3D-Druck of Schalung is involved with the concrete component manufacturers SW Umwelttechnik and the engineering firm WaltGalmarini ein. Gemeinsam has released a einsatzreife for individual construction companies, which are no longer for massive concrete scraps, but generally on the digital planning and fertilization of efficiency and performance-strong design solutions is applied.

Ganzheitliches Energiekonzept und adaptive Fassade
Further innovations of the «STEP2 unit include the energy management and the building envelope. The engineering firm WaltGalmarini has created an energy and management concept for the unit. The facade is the central element, if it is good, the climate is optimized and the energy efficiency of the building on the scaffolding is improved. For use comes a von Aepli Metallbau new double double envelope with integrated protection and control of the natural air flow.

The façade itself is a branching and decomposition platform: with the installation of a new module, a new technology is developed. In one of the first phases, an element of New Digital Craft with integrated, 3D-structured construction of the installation is created, which increases the lifespan of the new treasure faster. Dafür, BASF brought innovative 3D printing materials onto the market with the digital production technology, which would fit the pressure of the used stair cladding.

Vom Abfall zum Rohstoff – wiederverwerten statt entsorgen
Following the principle of upcycling, BASF has made a combination with partners and material manufacturers, one of the Abfallstoffen leistungsfähige Oberflächenbeläge zu kopen. The combination of the best processing technology with new binding technology and (residual) raw materials are there, the wood fibre boards with textile waste and coffee making products by thermoplastically deformable three-dimensional shapes. It may be that individual shaped wall panels are suitable for the unit. The wall panel with the base plates is restored from residual materials of recycled denim fibres, used paper and coffee making products with Help an innovative binding and high-performance coatings.

For the kitchen it may be that a new binding agent is sold, a long, high kitchen rearrangement. The Verwendung is one of the most used materials, there are no materials reduced that are now the nachfrage nach new Rohstoffen, under the Ausstoss von Treibhausgasen. If the Ausgleich has the thermal and acoustic insulation of the underfloors, one of the high constructions can ensure that BASF material is used. If you have a spritzbarer or a non-flammable Tonschaum zum Einsatz.

«STEP2» – a real innovation package
“STEP2” was conceived as a co-creation platform and innovation framework. The unit with BASF’s «Scouting & Academic Collaborations» team ran an Olivier Enger who served as Arbeitsplatz. Bereits several years working with BASF and Empa a strategic partnership; The team is active on the Empa Campus. Olivier Enger is the überzeugt: “I am NEST with one of the Schwelle-zwische Forschung and Wirtschaft and können with our expertise fell for an erolgreichen Brückenschlag-zwische Arbeid and Markt-beitragen.”

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Text: Empa

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