
Service plan set up Lifta-Kampagne fort

Service plan set up Lifta-Kampagne fort

Service plan Cologne has created a new campaign for the Treppenlift Marke Lift. Seit dem 9. September 2024 since the Werbemaßnahmen für Treppenlifte in Deutschland and Österreich on TV, online and on social media. The Konzeption and Online-Umsetzung come from Plan.Net Cologne.

The ebenfalls in Cologne ansässige Hersteller Liftstar connected with signalman Hauptmarke Lifta seit four years to the knowledge of the House of Communication. You can call a Service Plan Creative Team 2022 an image campaign, where the active campaign is another expectation for the future. Before two years of war, he came up with the idea of ​​positioning the Treppenlifte as an all-day shelf that would allow for a better life. Damals lautete der Claim) ‘Damit Zuhause Zuhause bleibt’ and Lifta presentierte themselves with a modern, emotionally constructed Markenbild. In de Weiterentwicklung lautet der Claim nun ‘Damit Du Du bleibst – und damit Zuhause Zuhause bleibt’. The idea that the Treppenlift is not there is that the Zuhause no longer works, but it is possible to use your own memory and active life.

Plan.Net Cologne uses YouTube and Instagram Social Media format, Performance Banner, supports the website in the campaign and optimizes the landing pages that determine the conversion rate. The Zielgruppe is the Anwendenden of Treppenliften in the Angolan.

Kristina Körfer, Lead Brand Management Sitzlifte Liftstar Marketing GmbH, says: “Lift the image of the stair lifts on its modern, revolutionary machine. Gerade deswegen is a for everything that is in our communication, completely in line with the needs of our soul group. That is why we know If we no longer see the market, one of the largest generations is a self-pollinating life that will live in our new campaign in a big way, while the lift is not even a home-enabler, but a possibility maker for him. a self-determined life – without energy for stair climbs used to have to.”

In the center of the campaign is the fictional couple Gerda and Paul. Zwei Spots says that they all come from the All-Tag of both, while the Focus jewels are on a partner, and both of them are Filmdramaturgically refined. The feeling of emotional tension is another story and a larger part of the self-best life in the other, the lift is light.

Andy Wyeth, Managing Director Serviceplan Cologne, says: “In the campaign films, the war is heavy, emotional and authentic, the people are in the center. So the elevator is now ready for the end of both films as the self-confident everyday helper, the protagonist: if you are the best, you are living as you used to live – and then you can continue to live entirely by yourself”

The Spots are produced by Stereofilms, the direction of Cadmo Quintero is carried out. The photo for the print property of Jochen Manz and the produced product originates from the Serviceplan-production plan Make.

This is about the Spots:

‘Gerda’: Lifta – Der Treppenlift | “Damit Du Du bleibst.” (

‘Paul’: Lifta – Der Treppenlift | “Damit Du Du bleibst.” (