
René Fiechter verlässt Spitalregion Fürstenland Toggenburg

René Fiechter verlässt Spitalregion Fürstenland Toggenburg

The function of the chairman of the board of the Rettung St.Gallen AG, a tochtergesellschaft of the St.Galler Spitalverbunde, is pivotal and will increasingly influence a part of the gesamtunternehmens enterprises. The further training for the support of the Spitaldirektion in Wil will be one of the next developments, he is in the Verwaltungsrates of the Spitalverbunde of the Cantons St. Gallen.

17 years CEO

After 20 years in the company, 17 as CEO, René Fiechter founded the Spitalregion Fürstenland Toggenburg bzw. The Spital Wil per end of the year, speaks at the time of integration into the new company HOCH Health Ostschweiz, to be replaced. With this integration, the roles and the dissemination of growth and the responsibility can change permanently. “Today is a good time, so I think I am the Spital Wil”, said 62-year-old René Fiechter. If you are in the right place, you can ask yourself whether you can get a pension in the coming years if you want to pursue your private life. “Zudem ermöglicht the Spital Wil dies as well with a new management in the future as part of the new company to start”, says René Fiechter.

Sequence of steps

Administrative Council President Stefan Kuhn and Stefan Lichtensteiger, CEO of the Cantons Hospitals St.Gallen, design CEO of the new company HOCH, thank René Fiechter for his farewell, who nevertheless respects the Foundation well. “I hope that my CEO has a relationship of trust with the heart of the SRFT establishment and that the representatives of the Administrative Council, “have a very good order in the world I have found René Fiechter jewelry Make sure you are in the SRFT and that is a good idea. Of course, René Fiechter from the Spital wants to be part of the new structure of the company, but: “It is absolutely understandable, that is the time point of change, to treat a robbed and wasted person”, so Stefan Lichtensteiger.

Verwaltungsratspräsident der Rettung St.Gallen AG

There are more people with Stefan Kuhn and Stefan Lichtensteiger, René Fiechter as representative of the Rettung St.Gallen AG, a company of the Spitsverbund and the use of the internal HOCH, which has a new internal internal operation innehaben wird. Since the role of the Rettung St.Gallen in an Aktiengesellschaft is since January 2024, the organization started in 2013 as the Vorsitzender of strategic strategic strategies in the sin of the Spital-verbund. “I am free, that’s what else we can do with an enterprise of the common prosperity in the Baltic Sea and the new life of a joint enterprise,” says René Fiechter.

Nachfolgesuche wird aufgleist

I am a center for the Administrative Council and the new CEO of the new company that will follow the advanced training for the Spitaldirektion on January 1, 2025. new company good shapes can. We were informed about the internal problems, said Stefan Kuhn. The preparations for this Überführung with René Fiechter in the function of CEO until the end of the year continue eng accompanied.