
Russia starts major naval Übung with 90,000 Teilnehmern

Russia starts major naval Übung with 90,000 Teilnehmern

If Russia reports further attacks on Ukrainian forces, new attacks by the Kremlin troops will come in Kiev. All information on news blog.

9.22 am: Russian Kriegsmarine has begun its various flotation associations for the strategic maneuver “Ozean-2024”. On September 16, there are more than 400 Kriegsschiffe on U-Boote and more than 90,000 more Flottenverbände in Einsatz, teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau mit. The world was stattfinden in the Arctic Ocean, in the Baltic Sea, in the Caspian Lake, in the Middle Lake, where Russia was a base hat in the Syrian port of Tartus.

Geübt became the Einsatz von Hochpräzisionswaffen and Kriegstechnik at the Zerstörung die more strategic Ziele and feindlicher Stellungen as well as the Zusammenspiel with Truppenverbänden connectedter Staaten. The “Ozean” Manover has had a long tradition, given the demonstration of power in the West. They were very proud of the Soviet Union’s great contributions to the Überprüfung of the German Defense Forces.

08.45 am: On the night that Ukraine endangers the Russian Hauptstadt. Dabei goes to a Todesopfer. The collected information can be read here.

4.41 am: A Ukrainian drone attack on the Russian capital Moscow is after the government leaders of the region a kind of getötet and a newer Zivilistische verletzt worden. This is shared by the Governor of the Region, Andrei Vorobjow, about Telegram mit. Further details are not possible.

In the night zu Dienstag wurden in Russland nach örtlichen Angaben insgesamt more as 70 Ukrainian Drohnen abgeschosssssssssssssssen. In the Brjansk region bordering Ukraine, there are 59 free-to-use Drohnen “abgefangen und zrstört” be, informed Regional Governor Alexander Bogomas on Telegram. If the tensions have become “again Verletzte noch Sachschäden”.

04.31 am: At the Ukrainian Ukrainian Drohnenangriffe, the Moscow Stadtverwaltung is a Feuer in a Wohnhaus in Stadtteil Ramenskoje ausgebrochen. The flames are at 11 and 12. Stock des Gebäudes ausgebreitet, teilt Bürgermeister Sergej Sobjanin über de Nachrichten-App Telegram mit. Retungskräfte seien vor Ort.

3.20 am: The Ukrainian Air Force has been a Russian Drohnenangriff on Kiev, teilt de Militaire Verwaltung van de Ukrainian Hauptstadt over de Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram mit.

3.17 am: Wreckage part of a Russian Luftabwehr in the Tula region has left the Drohne after the Russian news agent Tass at a Treibstoff- and Energiewerke driven. “There is no injury”, Tass sits the Behörden in Tula. The technological process and the processing of the results with sources can not be further elaborated. The situation is under control.

3.12 hours: After the Ukrainian Drones were abducted over the Domodedovo district in Moscow, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin ordered the removal of Einsatzkrafte to the Absturzstelle. You can make a donation or exercise a position of power without being bothered by it. In the district of Domodedovo, 50 kilometers south of the Kremlin, past one of the major Moscow airports.

1.57 hours: Russian Air Force has given Sergej Sobjanin a Drohnezerstört after the Moskauer Bürgermeisters Sergej Sobjanin, who is on the Russian Hauptstadt Zuflog. “Nach the first information, there are no damages and no losses, but the Trümmer has not passed since,” says Sobjanin über de Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram mit. On the Ukrainian page you will not find any Stellungnahme vor.

0.01 hour: Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz has helped the Russian Federation and a Ukrainian Friedenskonferenz and Terms and Conditions geknüpft. There is concrete in the mountains of a ‘Vorwärtung’, which the non-military military unterstützung of Ukraine has yielded the Angreifer Russia that would only be, if the man from the Kriegs-situation would be found again.

There are many who call the Ukrainian economy another Friedenskonferenz, and the Russian teilnehmen are alone. “If it is not natural, if that is so, then say ‘Ich greife aber immer weiter an'”, Scholz said with a look at Russian President Vladimir Putin. That way in which a fried sauce is aimed, is then no longer of the Ukrainian Territory. “I found that I got into this situation, was in the politics that is important: bright, festive and character. It is so that Frieden and Sicherheit in Europe certainly want”, betonte der Kanzler.