
New online courses take a critical look at social media trends

New online courses take a critical look at social media trends

#fitspiration – a swimming health trend for youth

Forschende der Fachhochschule St. Pölten untersuchten im Projekt “FIVE- #Fitspiration Image VERification” with a stream of social media hashtags #fitspiration on Geschlechterstereotype, Gesundheitsverhalten sowie Körperwahrnehmung von Jugendlichen.

#fitspiration is a global trend on social media, all on the platform Instagram has a reach of 20 million bets. If the trend, the hint of #fitspiration, is based on the first positive results on the healthy lifestyle, often extreme or unweighted training and practice-oriented propaganda are carried out that ensures the right standard norms.

“Social media are part of the life forms of Austrian youth. Leader is one of the Tummelplatz-vermeintlicher Gesundheitsprophet*innen and self-proclaimed Ernährungsexpert*innen. Daher is one of the more immense bedeutung, youthful im critical Umgang mit Inhalten und Protagonist*innen op Social Media op schulen”, concretet Elisabeth Höld, Projectleiterin and Senior Researcherin at the Institute for Gesundheitswissenschaften der FH St. Pölten.

Use social media experience

Especially the Youthful Uses Social Media as information for multi-faceted topics – related to your health. Because the information flow contains a wide variety of information, it is suitable for combining social media (‘social media literacy’) and online health information (‘e-health literacy’).

“When young people are introduced to smartphones and social media, it may no longer be necessary to investigate social media literacy and e-health literacy. That is sensible, the youth are vulnerable,” says Theres Rathmanner, co-project leader and researcher at the Institute for Health Sciences of the FH St. Pölten.

FitFluencer*inside analysis

The research team of FH St. Pölten analyzes the social media channels of young people between the ages of 14 and 19 who consume #fitspiration and how the image is perceived.

“The analysis of #fitspiration photos in social media, the image that is often expressed, is a reference to a nuanced stereotype, varied and unrealistic beauty ideals,” says Bettina Prokop, the external gender expert in the projects.

Online courses and tools

I conducted a mixed-methods study with young adults from Vienna and New Zealand followed by an analysis of the social media accounts of the #fitspiration influencer*innen in the German language during.

Because the young adults were more reflective, the community with social media and the social observations was a body and association, the results from the question-based holding were worth improving. When the researchers are out, it is so that the young people have a very heavy weight, while deleting the messages is ergaben.

The basis of the research results would be an online course that includes an interactive image forensic tool for 14 to 19 years. These questions are young, critical with stereotypes of the way and the story, with the quality of general information about the marketing tricks on social media.

About FIVE

The successful mountaineering project works under the leadership of FH St. Pölten together with the Hölzel publication and the gender expert Bettina Prokop. These projects are implemented by the FFG.

More information about the project can be found on the project page “FIVE – #Fitspiration Image VERification”.

The Online Course #fitspiration will be available in German Sprache from February 2025. Schullizenzen since bereits jetzt bedellbar:

Over the FH St. Pölten – University of Applied Sciences

The Fachhochschule St. Pölten is a praxisbezogener and learning-oriented orientation in the areas of Media, Communication, Management, Digital Technology, Informatics, Security, Railway Technology, Health and Social Affairs. In 6 departments there are a wide range of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs as well as more than 4,000 students with additional training opportunities. Hereby Lehre and Forschung were narrowly discussed. As a European University, the FH St. Pölten is the European Hochschulallianz E³UDRES² (Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions) and works with Hochschulen from 9 Partner countries and Concepts for the Hochschule der Zukunft as well as a smarter and more European Entwicklung Region.

Information and back questions:

Mag. Maja Sito, BA

Expertise in Corporate Communication

Marketing und Unternehmenskommunikation

M: +43 (676) 847 228 265

E: [email protected]


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