
Die Art und Weise, who are few, can be betrayed by his or her attitude

Die Art und Weise, who are few, can be betrayed by his or her attitude

SThe family is separated from the individual home seekers, which provides new energy for the recovery process. Was it a passion, whether you are a partner or a partner in your life? Abgesehen von de üblichen nächtlichen Kuscheleinheiten and gestohlenen Küssen cann die Art and Weise, wie Sie and Ihr/e Partner/in nebeneinander schlafen, eine Menge über Ihre Beziehung verraten.

Vom Grad der Intimacy is his personal comfort in creating a fascinating atmosphere in the dynamic atmosphere of the company. In this Gallery we present you with the different Schlafpositionen for Couples and say, that your Beziehung and Ihre individual Bedürfnisse aussagen could be.

Die Art und Weise, who are few, can be betrayed by his or her attitude

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Die Art und Weise, wie kostenlos schlafen, kann verraten verraten over his beziehung

Schlaf is separated for your home seekers, creating new energy for the recovery. Was it a passion, whether you are a partner or a partner in your life? Abgesehen von de üblichen nächtlichen Kuscheleinheiten and gestohlenen Küssen cann die Art and Weise, wie Sie and Ihr/e Partner/in nebeneinander schlafen, eine Menge über Ihre Beziehung verraten.

Vom Grad der Intimacy is his personal comfort in creating a fascinating atmosphere in the dynamic atmosphere of the company. In this Gallery we present you with the different Schlafpositionen for Couples and say, that your Beziehung and Ihre individual Bedürfnisse aussagen could be.

Auswirkung der Schlafgewohnheiten

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Auswirkung der Schlafgewohnheiten

Understanding the sleeping needs of others can make the Bindung zwei Personen strong. If you take on and respect the care of others, you can use some of the best offers of the Verbindung.


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The art and well-being, with a few other sleeps, can be a Hinweis with its compatibility in emotional life, communication and generated experiences. It is important that the partner finds a sleep still, lately.


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Through the description of Schlafgewohnheiten and the Finden van Kompromissen the man says in a Beziehung gut kommunizieren kann. An open communication about the home furnishings can be beneficial for both lives.


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If you are a good partner, it is a matter of a higher mass and trust in the inspiration. By being confident, your partner will respect your boundaries and enjoy your comfort, you will enjoy the safety of your security.

Entwicklung der Schlafengeohhnheiten

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Entwicklung der Schlafengeohhnheiten

With the Entwicklung van Beziehungen it is the Schlafgewohnheiten. A few people can enter into a new lifestyle or a way of life in life, such as z. B. the Elternschaft, angepast, wat zijn Schlafgewohnheiten en Vorlieben beeinflussen kann.

Changes in the living environment

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Changes in the living environment

Once you have seen the sleeping habits over time, a few people can go up the mountain and provoke a strong inspiration. Recognizing and performing these treatises can influence the stability of the inspiration.

Seeking Help

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Seeking Help

It is a good thing that this professional work of the Schlafexpert-Innen, when the Schlafgewohnheiten become a streitpunkt, is carried out. While answering the lying problems and finding gemeinsamen the results for both words can be found.

Making a distinction

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Making a distinction

It can help if the person in the Sleeping Habits the Harmony and the Understanding in one of the Beziehung beiträgt. If someone makes a creative design of others, ensures an undisturbed multiplication and creates an undisturbed and beautiful atmosphere.


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The experiments of different sleeping positions and arrangements can entice a Beziehung Tension and Newness. Experiment with the sin for the absence and can destroy the intimacy of the partner.

Finding an equal weight

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Finding an equal weight

A small weight of intimidation and personal freedom in finding sleep, is separated from a healthy lifestyle. This weight is found, there is an infringement of communication and respect for the intoxication of other jewels.

Löffelchen position

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Löffelchen position

This classic kissing position gives you an emotional feeling and a sense of joy. If you know that you are a partner in your life, make sure you have a relationship and share the desire for personal intimacy.

Backwards and backwards

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Backwards and backwards

If someone with his backbone has another schläft, he can make a statement, he can give a person a free-spirited feeling, after he has pronounced a judicial verdict. A suspension and respect for the boundaries of others are here with a great number of aspects.

Face to Face

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Face to Face

If someone with his common sense has another schläft, he is an emotional bond and a standard communication. It mirrors the desire for intimacy and bonding wider, the partner also in sleep “blickkontakt” stops.

Head on shoulders

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Head on shoulder

In that position you can find the head of a partner on the chest or the blame of others. If you are on a big problem with the Vertauens, you will find a partner besides other best things, security and certainty.

The Platzräuber

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The Platzräuber

A partner has a good overview and a small share of the bets, pushing the other students and the edge. It is possible to take a dominant position or create a company that has left a number of partners behind.

The pillow barrier

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The pillow barrier

Couple, with a pillow that is sleeping, you can put a bed on a bed with a better trennnung in the back, without that the connection breaks. You can use one of the most popular conflicts or the Wish after personal Freiraum hints.

The starfish

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The starfish

One partner knits himself out of the bed while the other takes a smaller place. This position can remain in the power dynamic in an unspecified way.

Reduced legs

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Reduced legs

If the partner had a strong emotional bond and a sense of security in the relationship, he often withered away in his life in sleep, the desire for bodily proximity and desire was diminished.

The Zen

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The Zen

If one of the unconventional styles is, it is worth keeping individual comfort and quality in the foreground.

The nest

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The nest

If you do a few things in the deck, buy a kissing schlafumgebung, which suggests the Wunsch nach Warme and Geborgenheit in the Gegenwart of the other.

The favorite nut

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The favorite nut

The partner intertwines his work in the Schlaf and establishes a scary short relationship with her. It is a matter of a high degree of intimacy and relaxation, both partners can contact in a standard way.

The inconspicuous

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The inconspicuous

A few sleeps and the gegenüberliegende end of the bets and turn themselves from one another. It may be that there has been a distance taken from a great deal of trust and certainty in the later inspiration.

The space optimizers

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The space optimizers

The partner sleep on the gegenüberliegenden page of the bets and notes so that your personal Freiraum. This position is based on a balanced and harmonious approach, in both partners of the Borders and individual beds of other respectives.

The Mirror

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The Mirror

Here the Pair mirrors the Sleeping Positions of the other, which is in Synchronization and Harmony in their Beziehung hindweist. A mirror for an emotional connection and a stronger experience of the different aspects of the partner is made wider.


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If you use information and an online network, the communication can be improved and purple help, herausforderungen can be interesting. Darüber is another guideline for the Schlafgewohnheiten of Paaren as empfehlenswert.

National Sleep Foundation of the US

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National Sleep Foundation of the US

The website of this common useful organization offers perspective for the Sleeping with your partner. If you have the potential to experience intimacy and stress, you can get a problem with a problem.

Hospital rooms

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On the website you will find many Krankenkassen with information about finding Schlaf and Schlafstörungen. Many of these actions were described here. Many tips can help us if we have a bet with the partner or the partner in our team.

Mayo Clinic

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Mayo Clinic

This affluent medical care can be a problem with the emotional and physiological functioning of sleeping with a partner. If you the potential of the Oxytocin-Ausschüttung-hervor, erwähnt but a possible negative Ausdirkungen.

Sources: (Sleep Doctor) (MindBodyGreen) (City Magazine) (The Independent) (Reader’s Digest) (Mayo Clinic) (National Sleep Foundation) (National Institutes of Health)

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