
Cold Case: Polizei veröffentlicht “True-Crime-Kurzfilm” | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Cold Case: Polizei veröffentlicht “True-Crime-Kurzfilm” | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 10.09.2024 12:32

Fast forward 30 years after the police found a new man in the fall. With a video a Mordkommission will find the Murderer of Nenad Gajanovic.

It deals with a “novum”, parts Staatsanwaltschaft Oldenburg and Polizei Cloppenburg/Vechta on Service Day with. Unit of the history of Nenad Gajanovic in the year 1996 would appear in the film. The Leiche des Mannes, the woman of the organized Kriminalität, was financed in August of 28 years in Damme-Dümmerlohausen (Landkreis Vechta).


. © Screenshot

4 minutes

Rund zehn Prozent aller Mordfälle in Deutschland is not aufgeklärt. With these “Cold Cases”, students and the Police Academy become more educated. (13.03.2024) 4 Min

“True-Crime-Kurzfilm” with Trigger Warning

The van of the police online published short film said about, “whoever is gray and homesick the Tat is used his must”, so the Ermittler. Other people are near the police who produces two videos Original photos of Tatort zu see. The Ermittler has given his “True-Crime-short film” a warning. If there is no use of unused footage, this is the case.

Mord and Nenad Gajanovic: Hinweisportal und Belohnung

It is possible that there is a deterioration of the temperature of the earth. If you can use woolen clothes, you can use them and the wiper of the Tat ansprechen – so information about the Tat you are looking for. Die Behörden have paid a Belohnung of 5,000 Euro. You can contact us by phone (04471-1860-200), by email ([email protected]) and by private person Information portal were eaten. Sows can report anonymously, this is it. The Ermittler has bitten burgers and burgers, if they are active and the Ermittlungen are involved, and they compensate the inner sphere of the social media. The words that are on #gajo96 as Schlagwort – or Hashtag are generated – are focused, a Beiträge on the verschied plattformen that come together.

Der Fall “Gajo”: Mann met meer Schüssen getötet

The Leiche von Nenad Gajanovic was given to a rotten VW Golf fund by Jägern on August 8, 1996 on a Landstraße in the Nähe des Dümmers. Der damals 35 Jahre alte Mann wurde den Angaben züfolge with more Schüssen ermordet. Uber Gajanovic said that he himself was in the Kriminellenkreisen. Among other things, “Gajo”, whom Umfeld found, a brute began to emerge.

Weitere Cold-Case Fälle in Norddeutschland:

Contact the Kriminalität organizers

If we take responsibility, there is “a contact with international organizers of the Kriminalität, so that the war within the war can take place.” Ermittler vermuten, dass Mordmotiv und Täter damit auch nichtenhängen könnten. Kurz vor seiner Ermordung sei der aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien stamende Gajanovic in a hotel in Oldenburg must be maßlich untergetaucht, so the Ermittler.

Cold Case new rolled – Europol hilft “Gajo 96”

After one of the dams the Mordcommission the Ermordung von Nenad Gajanovic has not released, the fall would be led by the action. If you started in the year 2019, there is a problem and there is another overload, a trap that has not been properly investigated. The new analysis methods of the Ergebnisse are new roll-ups in the Cold Case. Seit diesem Jahr now has its own Mordkommission. The organization of the mutating contact act of Gajanovic with his international organization during the “Gajo 96” has made the Mordkommission of EUROPOL available.

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