
WorldSkills 2024: Zwölf Berner Medaillen-Hoffnungen am Start

WorldSkills 2024: Zwölf Berner Medaillen-Hoffnungen am Start

Swiss skills

WorldSkills 2024: Zwölf Berner Medaillen-Hoffnungen am Start

Medienmitteilung der Stiftung SwissSkills from September 10, 2024

WorldSkills 2024: Zwölf Berner Medaillen-Hoffnungen am Start

The long wartenhoed is finally ready! He would have played the last days of the Berufsweltmeisterschaften «WorldSkills 2024» in Lyon. The battle with the 45-man SwissSkills National Team at Einmarsch in the stadium with Glocke and Fahne of both the Bernese Berufstalenten Sophie Schumacher and Cyrill Wüthrich. Tomorrow afternoon the «competitors» will report on 41 Wettkämpfen in Einsatz. The Bundesrat Guy Parmelin would have an angry fan and have experienced the Swiss «Berufs-Nati» movement.

It’s so much fun! Heute Abend won the Eröffnungsfeier at the longer WorldSkills Startschuss in Lyon (France). The 45-member SwissSkills National Team went to Einmarsch in the Stadium of the two Bernese Berufstalents Sophie Schumacher, Hagneck BE (Automobil-Mechatronikerin EFZ, Fachrichtung Nutzfahrzeuge) as Fahnenträgerin and Cyrill Wüthrich, Signau BE (Maurer EFZ) as Glockenträger angeführt. It is the largest Schweizer delegation with a WorldSkills task. The opening ceremony can take place live at mitsverfolgt.

Everything is possible for the Wettkampf des Lebens

The team travels together with the Mittwoch in Direction Westen and spent the Tage-gemeinsam in a Pre-Camp near Geneva. During the war, the energy fell mainly from the most intensive and in many cases withdrawn tank camps. The last preparations this week in Lyon go with the «Familiarization-Day». You can get to know the young talents on the Wettkampf-Arbeitsplatz and master the own materials and work controls.

High fans from Switzerland

Tomorrow Mittwoch, 9 o’clock then off. Rund 1’500 junge Berufsleute aus 69 Nationen messenger sich bis Samstag in packenden Wettkämpfen and demonstrate their geballtes Können. The Swiss professional talents have achieved 41 skills (wettkämpfe) at the start – and that is the highest karätiger unterstützung! While the Regie-Rungsräte went through the Bildung sin longer, the Bundesrat Guy Parmelin was mischen among the 2,000 fans present and the Schweizer delegation in Lyon was announced.

The result is Sonntagabend bekannt

After the wetkampfende on Saturday afternoon begins with the big war on the result, the battle can begin in the Schlussfeier on Sunday evening (from 6:30 p.m.).

What are the two Bernese and Bernese in the SwissSkills National Team:

  • Ajlin Luleski, Langenthal (BE), Kosmetikerin EFZ, Skill Beauty Therapy
  • Carmen Többen, Oberhofen (BE), Hotel-Kommunikationsfachfrau EFZ, Skill Hotel Reception
  • Cyrill Wüthrich, Signau (BE), Maurer EFZ, Bricklaying Skills
  • Dominic Brügger, Reichenbach (BE), Polymechaniker EFZ, Skill Industrial Mechanics
  • Lara Kaufmann, Riggisberg (BE), Carrossierlackierer EFZ, Skill Car Painting
  • Louisa Kistler, Köniz (BE), Fachfrau Gesundheit EFZ, Skill Health and Social Care
  • Luis Salzmann, Thun (BE), Konstructeur EFZ, Skill Mechanical Engineering CAD
  • Michael Bieri, Süderen (BE), Zimmermann EFZ, Carpentry Skills
  • Pablo Wynistorf, Bern (BE), Informatiker EFZ, Skill Cloud Computing
  • Selina Messerli, Hinterfultigen (BE), Floristin EFZ, Skills Floristry
  • Sophie Schumacher, Hagneck (BE), Automobil-Mechatronikerin EFZ, Skill Heavy Truck Maintenance
  • Stefanie Fahrni, Trubschachen (BE), Bekleidungsgestalterin EFZ, Skill Fashion Technology

View the SwissSkills National Team in Überblick:

Unser Medien-Service and the WorldSkills in Lyon

The SwissSkills media team has started in Lyon for its deployment and production base material, and the message setting used can:

Photos: Fortlaufend would display our photo database of active photos. We will appear in the Verlaufe der Wettkampftage of all Teilnehmenden Wettkampfbilder and of all Medaillengewinnern Fotos der Siegerehrung-kostenlose paintügbar sein.

Link to Image Database:

Audio Quotes (for Radio Stations & Press): Unser Radioreporter führt fortlaufend Interviews with our teammitgliedern, hochkarätigen Guests usw. and lovely active stimuli and final movements. If you want to know more about the situation, the interview partner can also be found in different regions. Please let us know if you have specific Wünsche habits.

The audio interviews are published at:

Video material: Make your professional video material for online services and TV stations available for your display. Available are:

  • Material der Eröffnungsfeier (ua Einmarsch SwissSkills National Team)
  • Work sequences from all Swiss Teilnehmenden
  • Daily background report
  • Reactions/Kurzinterviews with all Schweizer Medaillengewinnern nach der Siegerehrung

Livestream Opening Ceremony

Link to video download server:

WhatsApp channel: Check out the WhatsApp channel and experience exclusive news and real updates from the SwissSkills National Team.

Spezielle Anliegen? Contact us!

Do you have a special lesson in Anliegen? Is there an impulse, a photo or a video sequence of a certain subject of a special time? Contact us. We search, we can fulfill all wishes!

Stiftung SwissSkills, Schwarztorstrasse 87, 3007 Bern
Medienkontakt: Mirjam Hofstetter, +41 78 773 77 92,  [email protected]