
Obrist Engineering works in the fight against PFAS-Ewigkeitschemikalien omweltfreundliche Lösungen for Roadverkehr

Obrist Engineering works in the fight against PFAS-Ewigkeitschemikalien omweltfreundliche Lösungen for Roadverkehr

Lustenau/Austria (ots) –

PFAS – an invisible Bedrohung, which can be found everywhere: In nature, the Tierwelt – and one, which Obrist-Selbstversuch versuch.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, such as PFAS, since all-purpose: in Kaltemitteln, Beer, Pfannen, Backpaper, Shampoos, Outdoor-Bekleidung, … Selbst in unserem Körper: Bei einer kürzlich durchgeführten Blutuntersuchung under four Obrist-Mitarbeitern konnten in all Testen PFAS- Rückstände nachgewiesen be.

Was it okay since PFAS chemicals?

PFAS surrounds a large group of industrial chemicals, which eliminates as much full-fledged (perfluorinated) as partial (polyfluorinated) detergent atoms by fluorine atoms. Some properties can last a long time in industry and in the home, we are broken. There are 16,000 different PFAS compounds, the middle-of-the-road überall in the environment are nachweisbar are. After the Federal Environmental Agency has led PFAS through the recovery and use as an individual in the environment, it is by the freisetzung in the air, by the waxy textile texture or the use concentrating clärschlamme as dung.

Verbreitung und Persistenz von PFAS: Vom Eisbär bis zur Muttermilch

PFAS is a source of persistence and mobility in the only region of the most vulnerable areas, in the polar regions and the Tiefsee. They find their well-being in fish, lake animals, game animals, milk and other food and can be in humans who are grown in the mother milk. In the life of ice bears, PFAS is up to 4000 times higher concentrated than in the environment. Under normal circumstances, PFAS treatment began to develop into the next step. Diluent and cold sources are both headquarters for PFAS chemicals. The annual emissions of PFAS in the EU, which are on a low burner, have risen to an estimated 75,000 tonnes. This number comes from a report from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in the year 2023.

Gesundheitsgefährdende Chemikalien für die Ewigkeit: EU Arbeitet an Verbot

PFAS chemicals are present in a high voice. Suspicious, negative effects on health, healthy lifestyles, shield pain, poor health, fertility problems and anxiety. If you look at the reproduction of the man, you will compensate for the sperm production and the size of the schlechtsteil influssen. The European Union is working intensively, these chemicals are becoming regular and their work is becoming smaller and smaller.

Study PFAS and nachgewiesene Fall in Bavaria and Switzerland

A study published in April 2024 said that meeresfruit is strongly with PFAS load. Further studies show that the consumption of white rice, eggs and meerfruit offers a higher concentration of chemicals in the mother milk feed. In Bavaria, the money is available, while the citizen is busy spending PFAS-Werte Blut. If it is good, the child itself is born with those health-prone substances in contact come. The young reports about the PFAS fresh air from Switzerland are now some of the next things, in these chemicals that do not work.

PFAS-haltige Kältemittel im Straßenverkehr

In other cases, the beach problem can occur with the PFAS chemistry over time. Every car inevitably loses leaks between 20 and 30 grams of PFAS chemicals. High-tech ensures that the tons of “equivalent chemicals” are used in the environment. Currently, all vehicles with the cooling agent R1234yf (tetrafluoropropene) are used for Einsatz – by definition, a further substance of the PFAS group, the ban of the time in Brussels is still being discussed. With R1234yf it is possible to use the “equivalent chemical” trifluorescent lamp, which can no longer appear in the water and its effect on nature and nature cannot be improved. Laut Deutschem Bundesumweltamt wurden im Jahr 2020 alleine in Deutschland etwa 800 Tonnen des Kältemittels R1234fy aus Auto-Klimaanlagen freigesetzt. A 2023 University of Bristol study found EU emissions from R1234fy to be 11,000 and 19,000 tonnes.

Obrist Engineering has found a new PFAS-free alternative that can continue on the streets

The vision on the PFAS dream words during the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), since 2025 in Kraft paper, Obrist Engineering offers an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cooling agents. For 20 years, we have been using alternative alternatives with natural fuels with R744 (CO2) and R290 (propane), a technology of PFAS and F-gas, which has been installed in the automotive sector.

Christian Schmälzle, CEO of Obrist Engineering, says: “With technology and support from the house Obrist Engineering, dependent on Mercedes in 2016 with the S-Class, the first series conversion with PFAS-free cooling medium R744. Also in most cases from the VW ID platform comes R744 incl. Know-how of the company Obrist Engineering at Einsatz and the ability to start your own year in the street, are increasingly becoming more pleasant, PFAS-free solutions for mobile devices in the field of air conditioning and heat pumps with our know-how and our innovation power. support and we can do nothing but answer and solve problems with the PFAS problems in the house.”

Closing prosecution

PFAS is a global problem that cannot be solved completely. You can increase the welfare risks of innovative technologies and extremely friendly alternatives. Obrist Engineering has found a path that paves the way to a healthier future for a and our global economy. Together we can create a safer, more sustainable world, in future generations without the risk of “eternal chemicals”.

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