
Croatia: Lost Places on the Insel Krk

Croatia: Lost Places on the Insel Krk

Only a Ruine can no longer be found of the former Splendor of the Haludovo Palace Hotel in the Croatian Badeort Malinska. The beach of the beach is not popular with Urlauber.

Correspondents: Thomas Roser (tro)

Behind the green teppich of dense vegetation you can recognize the legendary glacier temples on the Croatian Insel Krk von der Straße. “Parking – 5 Euro” weist in the Norden des Küstenortes Malinska ein Schild plötzlich scharf nach left. Unusual Graffiti over whitened concrete walls: Since 1972, the Nobel Hostel des Haludovo Palace Hotel has now been converted into an old ruin.

“Who can persuade someone here to take care of the park?”, asks one of the family members who ask their hands about the expected Parkplatz. “You don’t have to worry about anything. If you haven’t said anything to anyone else, you should have a pair of sunglasses before you get an arm in the Dickicht with your bath mat.

The founders of the “Penthouse” magazines have a unique appearance

It is no longer true, if it is a war, I am such an excellent Haludovo-Hotel. Nur mit Mühe sinen die brutalist Betonpfeiler ihre bröckelnde Last nor zu Slowen. The legal star architect Boris Magas has developed a futuristic lobby as a “hanging garden”. Nun überziehen reabgestürzte Verschalungen, Betonbrocken, angekokelte Balken und Möbelüberreste de kreisformig angeordneten Mauern der früheren Sitzecken.

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In 1967, the socialist constitutional state began the visa requirement for foreign pollution: Entschlossen began the coastal state to design the foreign tourists by the setzen. 1968, the state group Brodokomerc hotels in Rijeka ordered the construction of a 25-hectare large luxury resort on Krk in Auftrag. This is a war that lasted four years for all investors from the US investors, the funsterne hotel in the international financial catapulting: 45 million dollars pumped Bob Guccione, the founder of the “Penthouse” magazines, into the “Penthouse Adriatic Club Casino”.

I am in Casino working with the dolls

The construction of the ‘Playboy’ hero Hugh Hefner is simple: Flugzeugladungen zahlungskräftiger Glücksspieler aus aller Welt sollten eingeflogen zijn, een in Penthouse-Casino van de Haludovo-Palace-Hotels die Kugeln-rollen – und de Puppen tanzen weld. Most in the first month of the Eröffnung in June 1972, most of the Western Glücksritter lies on the Haloduvo-Strand that the dollar jumps. 50 as Penthouse-Häschen angeheuerte Hostesses from New York are involved in local Schönheiten die Gaste. They are not lumpen: The Zocker consumes more than 100 Kilograms of Hummer anyway, fun Kilograms of Caviar and learn more about their bottles of Champagner – an evening away.

A warmer wind causes Schutt to block through glassless Fensterhöhlen. A geländerlose Treppentorso in the Lobby führt in schwindelnde Höhen. Schon wenige Monate nach seiner spektakulären Eröffnung entpuppte sich das Penthouse-Casino als vertical Fehlinvestition. They criticize Auslandszocker resistance to a lesser extent Zahl and as von Guccione erhofft. A secret war in the socialist Jugoslawien of the Glücksspiel is verboten. The American investor rose. Go to the Penthouse-Glimmer and the exquisite Haludovo Resort will quickly become one of the best addresses in the Croatian Adriatic.

The purebred Abstieg started with the Croatian Krieg

Heute huscht nur eine Eidechse über den Gestrüpp überzogeneen Tennisplatz. While the Ferne is accessible by the Bass wummernder Technorhythmen eines Aquaparks during the rest of the decaying Beach Bar. These were the Schrecken des Kroatienkriegs (1991-1995), which solved the Anfang vom Ende einleiten. Während des Krieges wurden im Hotel Flüchtlinge einquartiert. If Kriegsende has not yet committed plunder, it is about the piecemeal privatization and the rapid ‘investors’ for the Lower Gang of the districts.

2018 bot an Armenian-Russian Geschäftsmann of the Kommune and the new Komplex Leben agree. However, there are a number of facilities, the complete coastal area and the private beach are accessible, with living quarters and city management ab. Man wants to achieve the Zugang zum Meer.

Ausgelassen plan die Kinder in der Bucht am ausbetonierten Hotelstrand. „Gibt es here irgendwo aine Dusche?“, fragte in bleicher Strandnovize. The price of the hotels in Seinem Rücken seems like a lot more to stop: An investor in Wiederaufbau is one of the many consequences of the small hotel zimmer in Sicht. But rather a ruin in the gebräunten ridges as a niece zugänglicher private beach for the Nase: For the ausgebeinten Fassade des Gästehauses it is so that the sun is better harnessed on its Matten with the Schattensucher in the piniene baumelnden Hängematten.