
Sweet Nektar: Who’s honest?

Sweet Nektar: Who’s honest?

Since then, Honig has been gilded as one of the truest values ​​for humanity.

Image by PollyDot from Pixabay

The other Egyptians and Greeks use the golden elixir only as a sustenance, without also as a healing agent. Is it fair what happened? Is the management for erasing money or trading some new trend of another legend that hangs? A genaues Hinschauen lomnt sich.

Wet fabrics under the Lupe

Honey is the head of a single sugar, especially fructose and glucose. Daneben absorbs water, small compounds and proteins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Before all the antioxidant properties of the body on the health of the beddeutung are.

Antioxidants are substantial, which help the herbs, free radicals that neutralize. These free radicals can exacerbate cell damage and are one of the relief of chronic illnesses with Krebs and Heart-Kreislauf-Illnesses. Study well, that is honest, the man with a thing Gift certificate for bed drops Powerful antioxidants are added, which contain flavonoids and polyphenols.

Old Weishheiden und Moderne Forschung

A glance at the Geschichtsbücher makes it recognized that the old is no longer as a food remedy, but as a healing remedy geschätzt wurde. In the treatment of Wunden with his Linderung von Husten, his Elixir is a Most Holy of his being. Is it going wrong with modern Wissenschaft zu?

A study by the National Institutes of Health in the US has shown that honest treatment can take place at the wound. In more clinical diseases that become infected in a painful way, a number of diseases and infections can be cured. Also in the treatment of burns and wounds, honey has shown positive effects.

Not everything is gold, everything shines

Despite this positive aspect, one should not underestimate the sugar content of honey. With 300 kilocalories per 100 grams, the amount of energy that sugar contains and can provide a higher weight in weight loss. Instructions for people with diabetes can affect high blood pressure, which can affect blood sugar levels.

Although it is a Chinese idea, the beautiful Blutzuckerspiegel will strongly decline as the herkömmlicher Zucker, but it does not die as a Freifahrtschein for the extended Konsum that would become. Moderation is here the key.

A glimpse into nothingness

The quality and healthy quality of the supply of Honig can vary greatly, you have Quelle and Herstellungsverfahren. Rohhonig, also unprocessed Honig, finds in the Rule more Nährstoffe and Antioxidantien as pasteurizer Honig. If the temperature is higher, a bacteria and the long shelf life of it will be increased, whereby the natural enzyme and the antioxidant antioxidants will disappear.

Manuka honey from Neuseeland is a different story for others Types of honeyit is a medium treatment that you can use. Manuka Honey uses the Wirkstoff Methylglyoxal (MGO), which has strong antibacterial properties. This type is of great importance in the treatment of neck and infectious diseases and how you can do more research on its working.

Good and the environment

Another factor that can no longer fulfill the involvement of an honest company is the role of the bien in our system. Bienen sind für die Bestaubung fouter Pflanzenarten unerlässlich, en een Rückgang der Bienenpopulation kan erhebliche Auswirkungen auf the Landwirtschaft and the Nahrungsmittelproduktion haben.

Honey production can provide a conscientious beekeeper, the regeneration of the protection of beekeepers can be carried out. Buy products at the Auswahl von Honig pay attention to responsible and fair production practicesto minimize the negative influences on the environment.

The last word

This can happen if there is a fascinating approach with an induced bandbreit and a healthy lifestyle. Of its antioxidant properties over the action of wound healing is its antibacterial effect possible: man can not suppress the positive properties. Dennoch is the heaviest, if the night in the night continues, be then under the high Zuckergehalt.

Who here perhaps gilds Lebensmitteln: Die andere Dosis macht das Gift. With the most part can have a fair share of the time a weighed weight and have a healthy weight. If you can only think of a high quality and nachhoudtige products, you will experience your own well-being as the environment of your beauties.