
Aktien Frankfurt: Dax gibt nach

Aktien Frankfurt: Dax gibt nach

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – A Kursrutsch in the automotive industry who den I’m on a light duty day. Intense racing desires among the Aktien von Continental (ETR:) and BMW (ETR:) ließen de deutschen Leitindex bis zum frühen Nachmittag um 0.44 Prozent auf 18,362.46 Punkte alles. A warning has emerged for the German car manufacturer BMW.

Bereits am Vortag hatte die jüngste Erholung des Dax nahe 18,500 Zählern en am 21-Tage-Durchschnitt eendet. Letzterer is a maß for the latest trend. A spürbare Erholung im Dax schitere an der massive Widerstandszone between 18,450 and 18,500 Punkten, wrote Kapitalmarktstratege Jürgen Molnar vom Handelshaus Robomarkets. If the German Rutsch is from the Rekordhoch, the fact is that it started in a season again in September.

Laut der Commerzbank (ETR:) focuses on the focus on the US expenditure, which is on the Agenda, and the US-Erzeugerpreise on the Thursday. This date is a more separated character of the beige messages for the sentence separation of the US-Notenbank Fed on September 18. Dreh- and Angelpuntt der Discussion ist, which has cleared one of the first sentences.

There der mittelgroßen Börsenunternehmen noted 0.11 Prozent tiefer bei 25,172.79 Punkten. Der moved against the kaum.

As a key figure in the Eurozone Leading Index and as a widening investor, BMW’s stock is worth more than eight percent below. The automaker is struggling to resolve issues in Bremsen and major problems in China, so it’s very important to enjoy your car and the experience and free financial flows.

If you are having trouble solving BMW problems, you can no longer take names. In the messages about the messages about BMW’s problems with conti brake systems, inform about the Munich an abrupt stop of conti parts that have been solved.

The Anteilsscheine von Continental knickten am Dax-Ende a fast zehn Prozent ein. Under the new Branchenwerten büßten Volkswagen (ETR:) Schaeffler (ETR:) Porsche (ETR:) SO and Mercedes-Benz (ETR:) Without worry, Umfeld gets a quick performance and a quick performance.

During the automotive sector auch europaweit schwer unter Druck geriet, were Immobilienwerte fragmented. If the sector is concerned with a Kaufempfehlung by the US-Bank Goldman Sachs (NYSE:) for the Anteilsscheine des Gewerbeimmobilien-Spezialisten Aroundtown (ETR:) which is a good example as a Spitzenreiter in MDax. Be that as it may, it seems that the analysis of the sector was done by analyst Jonathan Kownator.

As Schlusslicht im Nebenwerte-Index büßten die Papiere von Renk (ETR:) 4.5 percent ein. Although it was negative, the armored vehicle repairer was working on an external factory in the coming years.

The Euro probably cost 1.1028 US dollars. The European Central Bank has set the Referenzkurs am Montag at 1.1043 (Freitag: 1.1103) Dollarfestgesetzt. The dollar costs 0.9055 (0.9006) euro.

Die Kurse deutscher Bundesanleihen risen. De umlaufrendite fiel im Gegenzug von 2,22 Prozent am Vortag auf 2,15 Prozent. Der Rentenindex low um 0.36 Prozent auf 127.25 Punkte zu. Der gab um 0.03 Prozent auf 134.53 Zähler nach.