
Anklamer Fabrik started with dairy products in production

Anklamer Fabrik started with dairy products in production

It is the moment when the choice for a Sugar worker lasts a year with a tension erwartet wird. If the first research into the labor in the working world takes place, it is a struggle in the coming years to start a fragment: Who is the Sugar content of the field fruit in those years? First research you can do when you are in the winter – everything can shine the field fruits when the wind and the wet weather conditions occur.

SUN says Operation

The yield would in this year with cattle 70 tons per hectare but as a through estimate. If you warm up the summer months when drying, the acid content is determined – the acid content is 18 and 18.4 percent on the work date. Good mood in the team of Zuckerfabrikgeschäftsführer Matthias Sauer.

The Anklamer Fabrik, on the service day, 10. September, the Campaign start on the stage, is as Firmenstandort of the Dutch Cosun Beet Company a smaller player on the German Zuckermarkt. Round six to seven percent Market counter stop man, explains Sauer. It is time for the Anklamer Zuckerfabrik to put an end to the question of whether the content can be continued in the North.

323 agricultural companies from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg are working their crops in Anklam. Around 23,500 hectares of agricultural land were managed in this way by the agronomists of the Anklam locations. While all other factories in the region have been closed for the year, look at the man who stands in Anklam for a new company that appeals to the background of the larger quantities of products that have been brought onto the market. It is a fact that the factory has flossed 120 to 130 million euros over the years.

New technology at the beginning

In those years the campfire starts, so that the new washing and starting complette is complete. A bigger, bigger, completely new product of Baustein in the cleaning treatment – the siebbandpresse, the detergent for the laundry – was indeed made by the campaign in the sondebetrieb, so Sauer. In the accomplishment of new technology, man is able to follow a first-line course with the sister organization that lasts three years, erklärt der Geschäftsführer.

Kurz after eight hours were on the day of the first LKW and the Rübenanfuhr begrüßt.

Kurz after eight hours were on the day of the first LKW and the Rübenanfuhr begrüßt. (Photo: Anne Marie Pankratz)

If the Zuckerfabrik is making large investments, the company may face a timid market confrontation. In Deutschland and Europe, many products have appeared in Germany and Germany – in Schnitt a beef zehn Prozent. Gleichzeitig ist de Nachfrage aber zurückgedingen; the next few days, they will continue to grow from time to time.

If you work together with the “Überproduction” of the competition, who Matthias Sauer says, führt dazu, that’s the price deutlich sund. Gab is a past year nor 850 Euro per ton Zucker, courten the Marketer of time nor darauf, the price between 550 and 500 Euro per ton stops buying, he is zum Kampagnenauftakt.

Smaller bags possible

One of the new products in this period is that a smaller packaging machine can now make the Anklamer Zuckerfabrik appear in the regional packaging. If you can earn more than 25 kilos – if you go beyond the market for biozuckers, the market falls out of the campaign with self-built biozuckers that have been collected, which is worth seeing here the nachfrage as a product.

The biorüben sollen in diesem Years visible during four days of mid-November were worked. It is also possible to keep the campaign under active operation – before it is carried out in beef 135 Tagen zu asolvieren; bis Mitte Januar herrscht somewhat less Hochbetrieb in der Anklamer Fabrik.

The dairy company's first laboratories were increasingly busy with tension.

The dairy company’s first laboratories were increasingly busy with tension. (Photo: Anne Marie Pankratz)