
“Kamala Harris sollte Donald Trump nicht unterschätzen”

“Kamala Harris sollte Donald Trump nicht unterschätzen”

Kamala Harris participated in the presidential debate against Donald Trump who was a fehler machinist. You may be divorced. An interview with his biographer Dan Morain about the Stärken and Schwächen der Demokratin.

Bastian Braun’s message from Washington

It is not that Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are doing their best personally. Am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) is not that important. The former president and the aspiring Vizepräsidentin meet in a TV Dueling – a pairing, with their own Wochen nor any one court hatte.

If Harris’ Joe Biden is a candidate who rekindles the Democrats’ Wahlkampf, he’ll take action. But the race between Trump and Harris remains scary. The TV debate comes with the best possible meaning.

Journalist Dan Morain has shown Kamala Harris in his time in Kalifornia a biography that is very light. The interview is clear that it is for Harris that he will hear the political interests of his colleagues. There are many hints, with the Kamala Harris not in the debate against Trump, but on the Kampf is a presidential candidate at work.

t-online: Mr. Morain, he told Kamala Harris as a journalist a few years ago and more Wahlkämpfe of his time. Did a Kamala Harris start the debate in Philadelphia?

Dan Morain: Kamala Harris is an unheard of schlagfertig. If it is good, the long term of the general state is not so great as the man reacts quickly. If you think about it more, Donald Trump is one of his unusual debates. Often it is the case that moments when the tension rises, the man completely out of the Fassung and out of balance brings his equilibrium. Kamala Harris did not question Donald Trump.

What is the best thing you can do if you have it over and want to achieve this new situation?

No, I am sure it is not. It is a job. It is not that it is not going well. This fernsehdebat is an immensely weightier, weil-vrouw from a brief moment in this Präsidentschaftswahlkampf.

In the Senate meeting, Kamala Harris grilled the Trump Administration’s members and saw a judge from the Supreme Courts. Who can separate the situation in the TV studio from a Senate chamber?

This is how it is with Donald Trump. A debate before a million audience is neither a senate nor a court case. A presidential debate, except with Trump as opponent, is an enigma. It is not comparable. Trotzdem, as a state prosecutor in white Kamala Harris, who is a man who is being watched by the jury.

See, weil in many American Gerichtsprozessen nicht Richter, among the Geschworenen, also all normal Citizens who fall Urteile?

Yes, some Anwälte and Staatsanwälte buy with their arguments and art, while the actual presentations are accepted by the jury. A fernsehdebat is the Wähler at the jury of the house. It is also possible to debate with Donald Trump, but it can also be that the Wählern speaks out.

Why should Kamala Harris be in the eights debate?

People were followed this Ereignis black live. But these 90 minutes were for everything in Echtzeit zerpflückt. In general, in the re-entry, for everything in the social media, on TikTok, X or Instagram, video clips were found so much fun. Kamala Harris’ Wahlkampf team would be so kind to gain such experiences with the American “Soundbites”. You will have a strong moment where you can work and do a few own things, which can help your whole life. A lager beer from Donald Trump would be confident when it came to Gleiche.

If you are wondering, is the duel so immense what is your goal?

We find one of our stories, while all Donald Trump and Kamala Harris Kopf and Kopf lie. Both Candidates also had a chance to lose. Was a service day passed, separated signal. It is the next version of the definition of the Rennen.

(Source: private)

Dan Morain war was over a year ago by the editors of the Leitartikelenitete of the Kalifornische Zeitung “The Sacramento Bee”. 27 years ago this message was published by the “Los Angeles Times”. Since 1992 there has been news about the US Congress. Im Jahr 2021 erschien seine Biography “Kamala’s Way – An American Life”. Derzeit de Morain und die Zweiten Buch, das sich met dem gaits with total Gesundheit in der Amerikan Geschichte befasst.

If Kamala Harris has appeared in the debate, the country can no longer be good. I am a candidate for the Office of the American Senate, then for the General State or for the American Senate. What do you remember for everything?