
With Intel technology, efficient and integrated LLMs

With Intel technology, efficient and integrated LLMs

Secret reading guide: 4 Minutes

In my last blogpost on the topic of large language models (LLMs) the question was posed (and savory), who can “build” their own AI applications on the basis of the previous LLMs, without neglecting a number of interpersonal principles. If you use data protection, ensure an active action of the lying data.

Another way to the possible dilemmas is not an option Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)A technique that combines the best models of ChatGPT with their own databases is the best. There are many companies that offer much better possibilities, and with the help of Intel and their technology partners.

Once you are busy, Intel research has become one of the generative AI themes and all your Auswirkungen are so good and that is not so serious. By using the chip repairer that is making more and more extensive improvements, the risks are getting bigger and better speech models and other AI data are used so that you can save. Often assured of technology partners with the possibility of Prediction Guard, Seekr, Storm Reply and Winning Health Technology, which are the best way to return. This list is of course of course large.

Prediction Watch: More Data Protection in AI Applications

With the Startup Company Prediction Guard, Intel has taken the knowledge of the matter to a higher level and raised the level of the AI ​​approach like a board, compensates Daniel Whitenack and his team schon a ganze Weile a larger part of the Intel Liftoff programs for AI-Startups are. The protection of the Prediction Guard release is a relatively uncomplicated integration into existing AI systems, which want to use the Power-besthander LLMs, but other types of care with existing data around.

With Prediction Guard there is an alternative application to the most common questions that are investigated, it was one of the lying lies of LLM. It is safe to close a sailing base, as the applications with ChatGPT is possible. Does the set language model collide with the valid right? Is it possible that you get a higher price? These and other fragments are displayed with an interactive operation of the fragments.

Search for: Implementing AI platforms and analyzing podcasts

With seekrAlign and seekrFlow, complete AI platforms and applications are being created with relatively little know-how, which are so filled with lives, without which it is an ungrateful idea about the “Who” must make. No foundation is set by multinational companies with Oracle and Babbel on the possibilities, which both Seekr solutions offer. Here seekerFlow is one of the best AI applications, and that is on the basis of the previous data. It is secured with a hardware platform that enables the seekrFlow configuration and optimization. If you continue, it is possible that you will submit a request after your first attempt to refine it.

SeekrAlign on the others Seite wendet sich an werbetreibende, Verleger und Betreiber von Marktplätzen, de mithilfe geeigneter Podcasts und oder media formaten in de Reichsweite op sichere und Zuverlässige Art und Weise vergrößern wollen. You can use the AI ​​feature to improve Civility Score and work with a high degree of transparency.

As seekrFlow takes one of the first steps in the AI ​​approach, and on the basis of the previous data.
As seekrFlow takes one of the first steps in the AI ​​approach, and on the basis of the previous data.

Storm Reply: Optimierte AWS-Instanzen für bestmögliches Inferenzieren

When a long-standing AWS Premier Consulting Partner comes up with Storm Reply, this is reported by Public Cloud Services. A service here offers the deployment of large language models (LLMs) on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) C7i and C7i flex settings for this. Discover Intel Xeon processors of the 4th generation, and the combination of Intel libraries, which can be developed specifically for the composition and processing of language models (LLMs). Ensure a profitable Storm Reply from the Intel GenAI platform and the open-source LLaMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) model. This makes RAG-based AI applications possible.

Winning Health Technology: LLMs Fit for Healthcare

If the general economy is one of the winners, this is one of the generations of more intelligent intellectuals. Here are big statements about modeling (LLMs) that support the computer platforms, which are highly valued in health care. If you take an example of a representative of the WiNGPT calculation, you get the Winning Health Technology technology in your hands.

Those of the Gesundheitswesen-zugeschnittene LLM would be specially adapted and optimized for the Einsatz on Intel-based Großrechnern. Herausgekommen is a Sprachmodel, which is based on Intel Xeon processors from 5. Generation 3x faster inferenziert as on derselben CPU from 3. Generation. A useful foundation here is the intensive Einsatz-bestimmter KI-Beschleuniger with Intel AMX (Advanced Matrix Extensions).

The language model WiNGPT is based on 5th generation Intel Xeon processors 3x Faster is based on the 3rd generation CPU

Disclaimer: For the Paints and Public these Blog pages that have the Firma Intel-beauftragt. If you inhale the device, you have no free hand.