
MÄRKTE EUROPE/Schwächer – BMW setzt Autobranche unter Druck

MÄRKTE EUROPE/Schwächer – BMW setzt Autobranche unter Druck

DJ MÄRKTE EUROPE/Schwächer – BMW setzt Autobranche unter Druck

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)–Schwächer has taken over the European stock markets and the German trading market from the trading service. A series of Hiobsbotschaften from the German industrial sector on the Laune: BMW was shocked by one of the profit warnings on the market, that VW would come to the market with its Job Guarantee. One of the German Chemical Values ​​is the Branchenverband VCI that does not contain Licht am Ende des Tunnels.

Mountaineers are about to keep the stocks in the grip of sentence separation flights in Europe and the US. If the tension over the new US inflation figures, it will take a while before the market is expanded on the market, this is in the trade. Dazu is on TV-Duell Harris-Trump in the US at night in Focus.

The DAX lost 1.0 Prozent auf 18,266 Punkte. Der Umsatz schoss in der Schlussauktion a über 1.2 Billionen Euro nach oben. “Vor allem US-Anleger verlassen deutsche Aktien,” said one Handelr. For the European Euro-Stoxx-50 galt die nicht, there goes nur um 0.6 Prozent after 4,750 Zähler.

BMW Shocks Automotive Sector

With a Kurseinbruch of 11.2 Prozent bei BMW reactierten Anleger auf gleich two bad Nachrichten: zum a sparrow die Marge wegen Rückrufen of Bremssystemen were sent on 6 to 7 Prozent, während der Markt über 9 Prozent erwartet hatte. Once you know that the future forecast may be war, one of the most likely problems may be war.

At RBC Capital Markets, the warning is no longer triggered on any of Halbjahr’s stocks. “It’s a problem for employees and a natural sämtliche analysis of analysts on the Absatzsteigerungen,” so a handler. If you turn off the BMW car, this sector is selected.

VW powers the crisis of the German auto industry than or german, the companies can use the job guarantee for their workers. All car repairers in Europe are under pressure: VW (-3.4%) and Mercedes-Benz (-4.9%) in DAX, also European volume repairers with Stellantis and Renault who are the Zulieferer with Valeo all on the 4th percentile.

Continental brands such as the Hersteller der BMW-Bremse are 10.5 Prozent ein, Schaeffler is 3.5 Prozent. Conti bildet Rückstellungen im mittleren swiss Millionen-Euro-Bereich. The Autosubindex im Stoxx lost 3.8 Prozent

Chemistry doesn’t flow around either

Action of the Chemical Industry can no longer look in the automotive industry for a herbal forecast of the VCI branches. For the second time that Halbjahr is right, there is talk of a deterioration of the business. In the domestic there is no talk of a “homeopathic dosage” of erwarts. BASF lost 2.5 percent, Bayer 3.7 percent and Wacker Chemie 2.1 percent.

Renk earned his capital market a handsome 5 percent. The longevity of the repairers is no longer valid: The life span is a period of 15 percent and the market of 2 million euros has come out. The annual costs amounted to 926 million euros.

Apple charges Hörgerätehersteller

Press the Actions of Hörgeräte-Herstellern übten Ankündigungen von Apple aus, ihre Air-Pod-Ohrhörer auszubauen. In some cases the integrity of the parts can be guaranteed. In Italian Amplifon is a 1.9 Prozent, in Switzerland Sonova is a 1.6 Prozent and in Denmark a Demant is a 3.4 Prozent.

For Astrazeneca it is a London price of 2.4 percent below. Here are clinical data on a substance to prevent lung cancer. There is a galt as a hope for Astrazeneca.

Real estate title thanks to Zinsen – US-Inflation im Blick

Real estate stocks voted against the Minus. I am DAX rise Vonovia at 2.2 percent, Aroundtown sogar at 14 percent thanks to Zinssenkungshoffnungen. If the American American notary imposes the price on the signal for the monetary policy separation of the American note bank in the coming week. Most are used, while the Fed the Zins only um 25 basispuntte or eich 50 basispuntte senken is. At the EZB in the Thursday a basis of 25 years has started when they are ready.

Index                 Schluss- Entwicklung Entwicklung  Entwicklung 
                     stand   absolut     in %      seit 
Euro-Stoxx-50             4.747,20    -31,46    -0,7%     +5,0% 
Stoxx-50               4.365,40    -25,21    -0,6%     +6,7% 
Stoxx-600                507,95    -2,75    -0,5%     +6,1% 
XETRA-DAX              18.265,92   -177,64    -1,0%     +9,0% 
FTSE-100 London            8.205,98    -64,86    -0,8%     +7,0% 
CAC-40 Paris             7.407,55    -17,71    -0,2%     -1,8% 
AEX Amsterdam              881,84    -6,47    -0,7%     +12,1% 
ATHEX-20 Athen            3.455,85    -25,78    -0,7%     +10,7% 
BEL-20 Brüssel            4.197,34    -43,23    -1,0%     +13,2% 
BUX Budapest             71.742,77   -332,71    -0,5%     +18,4% 
OMXH-25 Helsinki           4.499,44    -22,41    -0,5%     +0,1% 
ISE NAT. 30 Istanbul         10.539,61    -82,79    -0,8%     +31,4% 
OMXC-20 Kopenhagen          2.650,46    -25,81    -1,0%     +16,1% 
PSI 20 Lissabon            6.774,89    -68,41    -1,0%     +4,9% 
IBEX-35 Madrid            11.203,50    -69,30    -0,6%     +10,9% 
FTSE-MIB Mailand           33.213,29   -377,05    -1,1%     +10,7% 
OBX Oslo               1.288,87    -10,46    -0,8%     +8,0% 
PX Prag               1.581,53    -7,22    -0,5%     +11,9% 
OMXS-30 Stockholm           2.495,76    -15,68    -0,6%     +4,1% 
WIG-20 Warschau            2.307,54    -23,35    -1,0%     -1,5% 
ATX Wien               3.576,18    -38,70    -1,1%     +4,6% 
SMI Zürich              11.964,71    -15,93    -0,1%     +7,4% 
*bezogen auf Schlusskurs vom Vortag 
Rentenmarkt       zuletzt         absolut  +/- YTD 
Dt. Zehnjahresrendite    2,13          -0,04   -0,44 
US-Zehnjahresrendite    3,65          -0,05   -0,23 
DEVISEN         zuletzt    +/- %  Di., 7:50 Mo, 17:35  % YTD 
EUR/USD          1,1025    -0,1%   1,1042   1,1038  -0,2% 
EUR/JPY          156,93    -0,7%   157,99   157,78  +0,9% 
EUR/CHF          0,9327    -0,5%   0,9367   0,9359  +0,5% 
EUR/GBP          0,8440    -0,0%   0,8444   0,8441  -2,7% 
USD/JPY          142,34    -0,6%   143,08   142,95  +1,0% 
GBP/USD          1,3061    -0,1%   1,3077   1,3076  +2,7% 
USD/CNH (Offshore)    7,1327    +0,2%   7,1224   7,1199  +0,1% 
BTC/USD        56.654,70    -1,4%  56.909,15 55.341,10 +30,1% 
ROHÖL          zuletzt VT-Settlem.    +/- %  +/- USD  % YTD 
WTI/Nymex         65,73    68,71    -4,3%   -2,98  -7,4% 
Brent/ICE         68,96    71,84    -4,0%   -2,88  -8,4% 
GAS                VT-Settlem.        +/- EUR 
Dutch TTF         35,585    37,20    -4,3%   -1,62 +12,0% 
METALLE         zuletzt    Vortag    +/- %  +/- USD  % YTD 
Gold (Spot)       2.512,87   2.506,38    +0,3%   +6,50 +21,8% 
Silber (Spot)       28,23    28,38    -0,5%   -0,15 +18,7% 
Platin (Spot)       943,06    942,70    +0,0%   +0,36  -4,9% 
Kupfer-Future        4,04     4,08    -1,1%   -0,05  +2,5% 
YTD bezogen auf Schlussstand des Vortags 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 10, 2024 12:15 ET (16:15 GMT)

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