
Feuer: Fire in Chemiewerk – Rauchwolke über Duisburger Norden

Feuer: Fire in Chemiewerk – Rauchwolke über Duisburger Norden

After a brand in the Duisburg work of the Grillo-Konzerns a black smoke cloud has arisen in the north of the city. There is an official warning to protect the city from the house of the bleiben, the fence and the towers. Ulrich Grillo, the leader of the company, gives a full warning at night: “After this recognition there is no danger in the smoke clouds”, says the Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

The brand is one of the undisputed sources in the zinc sulfate supplement of the onternehmens, which is an onternehmensprecherin. Das Feuer wurde demnach at 4.20 pm notices. If the Feuerwehr has started the Löscharbeiten, see the Dach der Produktionshalle in Brand, such as Grillo. Das Werk mit nach Unternehmensangaben beef 400 Mitarbeitern wurde evauiert. Man must separate in the following days, a long production expansion became, such as the Firmenchef.

No one will be lost because of these external measures. The Duisburger Feuerwehr speaks of a lost human being, whose care is taken care of by the Rettungsdienst.

110 Fire Brigade in Einsatz

The urban Feuerwehr war has started with 110 troops in Einsatz. Beim Löschen sei schwerer Atemschutz im Einsatz, teilte die Feuerwehr mit. They speak of a strong rauchentwicklung with «ätzendem rauch». Es würden Messungen durchgeführt. If the Brandstelle’s streets are blocked, damn if the Feuerwehr can start, there will be a Polizeisprecher.

Der Verkehr auf der nahe liede Duisburger Stadtautobahn war laut Feuerwehr durch den Rauch eingeschränkt. Amen Abend there were no losers, said Grillo-Sprecherin. “The certainty is that our Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter are the residents who have a first priority. All the notable security measures could mean a big change and the situation could be different, there is Grillo-Standortleiter Dirk Ritterbach.

The Grillo-Konzern is composed of 1,400 people and their own production companies. That’s it Duisburg Reconstituted zinc sulphate is used as a chemical base in the paper and fabric industry, which works in the pharmaceutical industry and is also used as caustic soda.

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