
Zum Schulstart – Baden: Lernquadrat lädt am neuen Standort zu Schnuppertagen

Zum Schulstart – Baden: Lernquadrat lädt am neuen Standort zu Schnuppertagen

Zeugnistag - Symbolic Photo

Ab Mittwoch, September 11, the Kennenlerntage des Lernquadrats Baden starts.

Weingartner-Photo, Weingartner-Photo

Im Summer is the Lernquadrat and the Kaiser Franz Joseph-Ring 35/1. Stock übersiedelt. Here learning can continue.

Aus Platzgründen is the LernQuadrat in the summer and a new location at Kaiser Franz Joseph-Ring 35/ 1. Stock übersiedelt. Schon the Summer Course has found a status fund here in the first Floor of the Postgebäudes.

Dagmar Weidinger vom Lernquadrat Baden says: “We have found a place in the central city center where our students and students can create an optimal relaxation bar.” If the new, larger Lernräume combines modern Lernumfeld on 250 m², both the Schnuppertagen are suitable. These finds from September 11 to 13 jewels from 2 to 6 pm statt.

Weidinger stated: “I am a member of the Kennelerntage that teaches Eltern and Schüler in tensions of the LernQuadrat-Team and clears attacking fragments for a successful Schulstart.”