
Bundesliga Star moves to Rauswurf

Bundesliga Star moves to Rauswurf

Freiburger Florent Muslija would have won a landspiel from the Kader. There was a problem 26 years ago, a change of behavior was just like that.

Florent Muslija of the Bundesligisten SC Freiburg has taken on the battle with the National Football Association of Kosovo, one of the fehler-eingestand, a club club in the night of dementia. “I have a great deal of strength, for my own natural well-being. I have two days for the Nations-League-Play with a view from the Team-Hotel experience,” wrote Muslija on Instagram and said: “Allerdings nicht, um bis spät in die Nacht zu feiern – um Abendessen zu gehen.’

The war for the Nations League Game of Kosovo in Zypern am Montag aus dem Kader is being founded. “Keine Frage: Das war sicher nicht die best en schlaueste Idee meines Lebens”, erklärte der 26-Jährige. There is a guilty action, so Muslija. “So it was not sollte passeren. Still we know it, but: So it was not yet more passionate.”

The German Auswahltrainer Franco Foda strives for the 4:0-Erfolg des Kosovo auf Zypern außer Muslija two more actions of the Aufgebot, the laut Verband ebenfalls gegen festgelegte Regeln verstoßen haben sollen.