
KFC Uerdingen: Das Aussitzen does not work

KFC Uerdingen: Das Aussitzen does not work

After a social media involvement of ex-coach Levan Kenia for the Pokalduell Staub-cheerful hat, negative schlagzeilen of the image at KFC Uerdingen again. The fehlenden-gehälter became more than a problem.

Bee KFC Uerdingen heißt es aktuell Wunden lecken. Das bitter Pokalaus beim TVD Velbert in the second round of Lower Rhine Cups I have started processing the immunization. Zumal den Verein auch bereits wieder velde Nebengeräusche begleiten.

So I’m free with a relationship on KFC’s Instagram channel and a manager of ex-coach Levan Kenya If you consider a large part of the time, it is a game that you can play with ausstelhende gehalts- and Premienzahlungen-wars. If you contact this platform in that form, fought anyway, and the contribution is then still no more than one of the best losöscht-wurde, says Bände. A tag later the post is still missing from the contribution, so only from another account in the same word.

Nicht nur Spieler warten auf ihr Geld

When you are in Kenya the RP is no longer a war and the game doesn’t even last a while which is confused. Ouch Osman Sahanfor four months as sports director for the association, and with a triple performance, it has been three months since the months have been at ease. “Ich versuche immer wieder, jemanden zu erreichen. Bislang is no longer usable. No backlash, no contact. I can do nothing else. If there is an outbreak of the Vertrages, it can spread with the Verein. Oder stop meine Tätigkeit aufnehmen”, so the 45-year-olds.

When the end of the season is reached, it is a job that is continued and a concept is executed. If you have a background content, you may have a problem solving it. If the Vorstand is new, contact the Verein. “I am disappointed that no one has come to me since I spoke to him.”

It’s all about reviews

In early August he finally went to court to settle his contracts. With the result a reconciliation part, because no one was taken from the association. When the first attempt is made, the work paper is abandoned by the legal authorities and Sahan as an appointee at the best KFC employee. “I found it unsurprising that no one has come. If there is a problem, this is a problem. Why would a new situation and a fear of a fear be able to speak? The return was a passion, nor the man who had a goal, found it an unprofessional person. “

If Sahan is a motivated and motivated player, he will enter into the sale of KFC Uerdingen. If an engagement occurs, the chances are that this is not the case. The power is so grateful that things are not going so well with KFC anymore. “Ich werde Rücksprache mit meinem Anwalt halten. If the war is honest and insulting, if the Association no longer wants to let and a little wants, it will not be different, if it is the Anwälte zu regel. ” Everything is with the Herangehensweise sicher nicht.