
Schulabbruch und berufliches Nichtstun: Warum “scheitern” Jugendliche?

Schulabbruch und berufliches Nichtstun: Warum “scheitern” Jugendliche?

Generation “Abhängen”? 9 to 28 Prozent der 15- to 24-Jährigen brechen die Schule und Lehre ab. Youth coaching is intended to be trained.

Since August 2017, Austria has been awarded an education requirement for young people up to the age of 18. Life. Quickly new solutions for the debt burden of Statistics Austria and the Social Ministry on the education path. If you do not have the education requirement, you have a strong conclusion in research, writing, reading, if you use the deprivation of education from, in the Abseits, “hängen ab”. The social news 2024 spoke of a “high risk for poverty and social exclusion”.

The Dynamik settles in the Adoleszenz Fortress. De Rede is a young worker, the little debtor and the debtor, in his Zahl-steigt. I was 78.300 from 15- to 24-Jährigen erwerbslos, das Coronajahr 2021 warf sogar 166.000 from 16- to 29-Jährigen ins berufliche Nichtstun. Migration shintergrund erhöht das Risiko, ein “Neet” (“Not in education, work or training”) would be. In Wien lebten im Schnitt jijetzt 21.633 Junge (10.3 tot 11.3 Prozent) von AMS, Sozialamt oder Familie, so der Integrationsmonitor 2023 der Stadt Wien. In the youth of the Drittstaat with the Australian Bildung, the first 28 Prozent – europaweit gesehen hält Italien is the Rekord with 20 Prozent erwerbslosen Jungen.

Education as a “protection factor” for long-term decisions and alternatives

Who else is young is still happy – “Generation Neets, Erbe und Fun”, “Mammoni” (Muttersöhnchen) or “Bamboccioni” (Riesenbaby) – and how happy they always are: Nichtstun is not a perspective for a good life, hey is on the website des Sozialministeriums. With this network support service, federal support services were created, which amounted to 35,500 young people.

I have been busy with everything and was one of the Lichtschulabschluss players, a Schutzfaktor for long-term losses and altersarmut, meint Florian Reiner, project leader of the Arge Jugendcoaching Tirol. “Your life is good and self-sufficient, you can be confident, you have financial security, you have a positive attitude, you have a positive influence, you are healthy, you are a man. This soul is personal and professional qualifications, you can help yourself. for Gesundheit, for Zwischenmenschliche. If all goes well, you can find a summary of the prevention and troubleshooting.

“Wir erarbeiten mit dem Jugendlichen Perspektiven und Handlungspläne. Wir schauen: Wo liegt die Kompetenzen, die Fähigkeiten? Wo gibt es am Ausbildungsmarkt Möglichkeiten? Often it is a nachreifungsprozess, or dafür gibt es Angebote. Or it is a verlän Gerte Lehre, we die Jugendlichen für die gesamte Lehrzeit eine Ansprechperson haben has received the support of AMS-Förderungen and the angepasste Lehrpläne,” said Reiner.

Young people have come out of the old school system

One of the most common problems or a learning disability, while others are a psychosocial problem, is a psychological issue and a beginning experience. Reiner: “The parent is a natural push, but also the peer group is influencing younger people grim. It quickly becomes under a stress and pressure situation in private circumstances or in school. The re-emerging ones are in another, where very changes could be found. That is often out of the train.”

Das Hohelied von der Work-Life-Balance und Co.: Warum “seitern” Jugendliche?

30 Prozent der betreuten Jugendlichen besuchen noch eine Schule, 70 Prozent sind bereits “systemfern”. If the penalty is reached, it is possible that a problem will be found at all. Here there are justice, care, social institutions, and people, and a whole lot to see. Jugendliche, which tarnished a higher debt, was often put in the spotlight, “when the Elternhaus was an unjustified Vorstellungen-gibt, the young man who was soll, erreichen soll. Often this Jugendlichen-drauf, dass der Ausbildungsweg nicht die proper Wahl ist.”

No Scheitern is zurückzuführen in a “ungünstiges” Umfeld

There are many trends that determine the high level of work-life balance, but also the Leistungsbereitschaft. Yes, that is a theme, dear Jugendexpert Reiner. There are many hours of work and labor durchaus: “The mother is not, the mother is not.” There is an authentic Rückmeldung, man reason clear with the Jugendlichen: “Schau, so kommst du an. Warum freut es dich nicht? Was ist deine Intention? Wir beiten ganz veld with Praktika in der Wirtschaft. Often jemand comes zurück und sagt, if it has been strengthened, has it not been so bad, had the war been strengthened, was this no longer carried out “Es gibt velde Jugendliche, die alles geben en trotzdem nicht alles koop? There is no hat with a good quality. If you are sure that you learn to deal with your machine positively, you are not in the frustration.’ And often it is now a normal insecurity and fehlende souveränität young person, who your misunderstandings and a bad dynamic flight: When a robbery attempt “in shock-resistant” war, if you do not know how to ask yourself, world or bad-draft-war and the day, it feels like a little inner ability, which even many adults do not fly so well – a more emotional Self-regulation.

When activating the warnings and a number of strict, finely machined reporting systems. If young people, the school and teaching break off and within three months no longer cooperate, report Directorates, AMS, teaching institutions or other institutions that the coordination institutions of the states die. The elders would contact, if they do not buy, administrative penalties of 100 to 1000 Euro erhalten.

Man, of course, experiences some sort of disappointment. “We don’t know everything,” says Florian Reiner. Sein Kollege Johann Hechenblaikner, Diplomasozialbetreuer in der Behindertenarbeit und gelerter Kfz-Mechaniker, addresses a Lanze for the Jungen with Problems: “It is often said that the work stops, that it is so strong. It has fallen in the seltensts, so the Families das System ausnutzen.” Seine Schlussfolgerung: “Youth is often symptomatic for the Krisen, the Verwirrung and Emotionalisierung der Gesellschaft, which will be experienced.”