
There is a heart on: Filled feelings in Yufkateig

There is a heart on: Filled feelings in Yufkateig

As a main course or dessert, served as an auflauf, in a quiche or in syrup – Yufkateig is an all-rounder. Mittlerweile gibt’s ihn in major Supermarken zu buy, the major Auswahl and Formen and Anzahl find man in Turkish Supermarken. When the hole is monitored, it is mounted in the Kühlschrank a Weile dumbbell.

A variant that resembles one of the most popular bags. If you go for a walk, there is a cozy prigen Yufkamantel, where you are in the heart of the Feige with Kase, Kräuter and Honig. The Bündel is perfect as a light breakfast, as well as a snack brunch. My guests were very welcome.

Zutaten für 5 Feigen in Yufkateig:

5 Feigen125 g Feta4 small Zweige Thymian1 Zweig Rosmarin2 TL Honig300 g-400 g Yufkateig (straight)145 g fluffy ButterKüchengarn


1. Den Backofen op 200 Grad Ober-Unterhitze vorheizen.

2. Washing and wrinkling a problem.

3. The Feta melts in a Schüssel geben.

4. Chop Thymian and Rosmarin and mix with the feta.

5. Den Feta in de Füllen, ruhig fest drücken, dammit more Füllung reinpasst.

6. The honey is told.

7. Pro Feige 4 Yufkablätter used. Dafür de Yufkateig in knitted Streifen teilen, approx. 15 cm knitted. Brush the Jewish stripes with butter, then add a layer of Yufkablatt.

8. The Feige in the Mitte setzen and the Teig van alle Seiten nach oben jijhen, soft drink is from the Teig one that Feige schließt. With the kitchen changes. So let’s all have fun with Feigen.

9. Take the time to put the back paper on the back and leave it for approx. 15-17 minutes.

10. The packages in August should brown the Yufkateig quickly.

11. The packaging is golden brown and transparent.

12. Serve warm.

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