
Hotel Esperanto Fulda appeared on 11 Azubis 2024

Hotel Esperanto Fulda appeared on 11 Azubis 2024

Eleven new Azubis: Herzlich comes to HOTEL ESPERANTO! – Photo: Hotel Esperanto

Expansion starts 2024

11.09.24 – In August and September we started setting up a number of other possibilities in the ESPERANTO hotel in your Ausbildung and expansion of the Grundstein for a career in the hotel and gastronomy industry.

The Auszubildenden learn how it works zwei- bzw. dreijährigen Ausbildung entsprechend der Ausbildungsverordnung alle Abteilungen eines Hotelbetriebes wie Restaurant- un Tagungsbereich, Küche, Lager, Housekeeping, Veranstaltungsbüro, Veranstaltungstechnik, Reservierung and Rezeption. All Auszubildenden have schon jetzt, when spreading Eignung, een Übernahme-Garantie nach erolgreicher Ausbildung in the tasty bag.

Die Combination of Kongresszentrum and 4 Sterne Superior Hotel is the ideal Ausbildungsplatz for zukünftige Fach- en Führungskräfte. Since 2005, 110 new results have been obtained. The double war and the Grundstein are an important career in the hotel industry and gastronomy. This is the case worldwide presence and can take a few years with a few things Studium zum Hotel-Betriebswirt, Küchenmeister or Restaurantmeister be replaced.

That HOTEL ESPERANTO, Conference and Cultural Center Fulda overworked 326 Zimmer, Beauty & Spa on 4,000 m², 19 meeting rooms for an amount of 600 people 3 conference rooms for Veranstaltungen up to 5,000 persons. 2 Restaurants, Beer cafe, Cafe, Cocktail bar and a Grill-Restaurant mit Dachterrasse ran the nice offer off. During these periods it may happen that there is a problem with offering unjustified guests with Day, Week or Restaurant guests and the requests in the First class hospitality to be served.

For the future of my life (w/m/d) immediately for the Ausbildungsberufe Hotelfachmann, Fachkraft für Restaurant & Veranstaltungsgastronomy, Fachkraft Gastronomie, Koch, Veranstaltungskaufmann and Fachkraft for Veranstaltungstechnik under (email address) To claim. +++