
Expert Council: Who Eltern Kinder against spiritual power struggle

Let more children and young people experience a big problem, while they are active. Dagegen lift: it was for the Widerstandskraft-tun. Do you want to imagine something?

The latest news from DAK-Präventionsradar said that if you are a minor person with a depressive symptom, you will be able to cope with it yourself. As the Ergebnisse der Lancet-Psychiatrie-Kommission zur mentalen Jugendlicher sind “alarmierend”, so Cornelia Metge, Vorstandsmitglied der Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer (BPtK) und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutine.

Andreas Hillert is head chef at the Schönkliniek Roseneck in Prien. There are many young patients who have a certain exploratory treatment: 50 percent of the young patients who were treated at the vulnerable point were busy with the confession of guilt with “no ahnung”. This exploratory care can be a very individualistic behavioral model and behavioral therapy for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine. Etwa wenn man in family and environment according to the motto “Even if you are between you, your main concern is happy” live, but the integration into social structures is neglected.

A hereditary experience that has occurred over time was the individual enterprise and the power with them, which was established and paid in the jewelry collective that brought with it a tragic journey.

“Your child’s work and the hand are strong, so they are strong,” says Professor Andreas Hillert. It is possible that cooperation with the Hilfesystemen, including Kita, Schule, Jugendhilfe and Gesundheitswesen, will be fragmented – at the Eltern. Who might suit Kinder also with Leben?

Vorbildlich: Orientation geben statt unbegrenzte Freiheit

Hillert rat Eltern, the children who perform the bedding of the responsibility and the structure in the life of vermitteln. So if you make a decision about the notification, it is realistic to look at your sets and do the sale of them for your own business.

Conclusion: Eltern sollten über ihren Beruf en ihre Tätigkeit rode. A heavy burden on art and culture: “The heck, I’m a better person than my chef and whoever is smart, I’ll never be able to cope with it,” so the psychiatrist. “Etwa indem man sagt: Ich habe heavy einen stressigen Job, aber in dem bereichkracht is Spaß. That is my weight, darum mache ich es.”

In the event that it is so, it is likely that the einsatz lohnt. Or if you want more: a best alternative is the possibility to supplement a theme and say: “If you choose another country, then you earn a little of the money”, rät Hillert.

Eltern, cousin “Vreunde” is a conflicted soul

“Eltern müssen Verantwortung in der Elternrolle übernehmen”, says Hillert. Das bedeutet: “I must never be allowed to be.”

This is also true, different situations and auszuhalten, and the children’s care could be: “Eltern tun selber kurzfristig einen Gefallen, zu sagen: Ich tue alles für dich, mein Kind. Aber mittel- und langfristig vermeiden Eltern die Konflikken, die nötig sind, um children’s orientation zu geben.”

Selbstverantwortung und Selbstwirksamkeit vermitteln

Everything from the petting zoos, unangenehmes for these arrangements – that is the best part of the community, aber Eltern sollten – immer altersrecht – bestimmte Verantwortungen den Kindern überlassen, so Hillert. Etwa said: “The problem with the friend, with the question you asked: it is a matter of doing, it is best to work in your heart.”

On the other side of the page, there are children in the lives of their neighbors, “and they are not my children, they are beautiful children and they are the ones who first spend their lives”. Denn: “Would I like to regain my childhood as a child?”

Media use itself is limited

Smartphones, computers and games are suitable for Alltag. An online magazine can be your social incompetence and isolation guides, we will Eltern here set clear limits. That is no longer a fact: “If there is talk of erasing the Eltern, the medium term is limited. And if the road is cried, it must be removed.” It is a difficult situation, it takes longer for the class room to last longer and last longer as his own child. Here is everything that matters. If you want to do something else: You can no longer use a bed after work nor four hours long online on the road.

What was the purpose of children’s and youth affairs? “Meeting friends and listening to music gives many young people hobbies”, says Hillert, “but these are both interests that do not contain any binding responsibility.” There are many people who want to teach children, such as active activities in real life, such as music, music or sports etc. It is a matter of more and more fragmented: an instrument is not even “tried” for a year, a regularity that is used intensively – it was not possible to make the machine disappear, said Hillert.

Sports for social skills

Sports breaks are effective and uncomplicated, children and sportsheranzuführen. When a man jumps into life, he says: “It is hard that the lessons will continue for a year. And it is very nice to play with Child Hockey, Fußball or other players. Denn letztlich is a great interest, binding interest in a group.”

Solche Aktivitäten helps children work with large social networks. Rules for contact with others are of great importance for mental health and can increase the resilience of children, and their broader standenkraft can also provide a mental effort.

Hillert: “Wenn Eltern is versäumen, ihren kindern een een Rahmen zu geben, in dem si soziale Kompetenzen trainierieren und connectliche Interesses entwickeln, erhöhen si die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass diese Kinder ihre Identität in a certain situation and since the roles of patients are found.”

Kein Stress can be painful

It sounds good to me. But the educational motto “You can do what you want, your main concern is happy” leads Hillert to follow each other to stress and reduce burden. If you are looking for a treatment for an illness and therapy in an opaque orienting environment, then the sinusmilieus are the society not after the socio-economic factories, under the Wertvorstellungen clusters. Youthful from the “hedonistic” environment, in the area here and there it was a true and vermittelt, most people with a psychiatric disorder became more purposeful, so by the drugs.

Look at your experience as the German bad as for the youth of his traditional environments, in the more would be a commotion and personal perspective laid. Eltern should also not less Stress, without more orientation possible.
