
“Unstrukturiert, verwirrend”: Ex-VW boss Diess gibt Ampel-Koalition Mitschuld an Krise

“Unstrukturiert, verwirrend”: Ex-VW boss Diess gibt Ampel-Koalition Mitschuld an Krise

“Unstructured, connected”
Ex-VW boss Diess gives Ampel-Koalition Mitschuld an Krise

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VW gets into the Krise – who is the German car industry. It is located after the Ansicht van Ex-Konzernchef Diess auch an der Bundesregierung. Play an unglazed roll.

The evil Volkswagen chief Herbert Diess has control over the Federal Government’s electronic mobility police for the Konzerns problem. “This is a good idea, so that our few E-bikes will be purchased. This is a reform, we will be happy with the future of the EU CO2 limits and limits”, he said to the “Stern”.

VW Front Train VW Front Train
VW Front Train 88.66

The German political game in this transformation is an “incomprehensible role, we will fail this”, so the manager of the summer of 2022, the former transmitter of the Volkswagen Group war. “The buyer of a car could have been more insecure than with the Fata Morgana of synthetic kraft materials. When the false impression arose, one could continue to operate combustion engines and tanker networks in a CO2-neutral way”, so Diess.

Hinzu komme the Förderpolitik for new E-Autos. During the last week, the Federal Cabinet brought a strong Förderung von Dienstwagen with E-Antrieb onto the road, a Absatz von Elektroautos anzukurbeln. The fight against e-cars is about ending state support. The Federal Government abruptly ended the next Environment Bonus in December. Grund were Sparzwänge im Haushalt.

“Short Thought”

“Rein, raus, Förderung yes, Förderung nein. Der Aufbau von Ladenetzen is practically zum Erliegen komommen, obwohl im nachsten Jahr with deutlich more Absatz bei den E-Autos zu rechnen ist”, says Diess. “Wir must be dismantled at The Mobility House, a Lade-Startup, and 30 Prozent unserer Mitarbeiter lassen. It is an unstructural, cold-minded and confusing, was politically vorgegeben here.

But auch Volkswagen hat Diess zufolge Fehler gemacht. The Marke VW is very easy to understand in the internal relationship. VW needs to do the product presentations and efficiency scaffolding. This is a better choice than the German standard. “That’s Themen, that man has been re-chosen for a long time,” Diess said.

Before the blessing on a spark of a spark in the German Konzernstandorten pressed and in Stammsitz Wolfsburg the Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen brought ins Gespreach. In September the next publication began on the discussion in Germany and an end to the 2029 guarantee guarantee.