
NRW beschlagnahmt offenbar Europas größtes Bordell

NRW beschlagnahmt offenbar Europas größtes Bordell

It is always the case that the Besitzer des “Pascha” in Raum: Europe’s great Bordell now offenbar von the Behörden beschlagnahmt.

Spectacular turns in Fall of the largest Bordells Europas: The “Pascha” in Cologne was completely full of the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen beschlagnahmt. Laut a message from the “Bild”-Zeitung wurden at 8. August Maßnahmen ergriffen, die eigentümerrechte grime einschränken. The basis for this important separation is that there is a problem with a Schleuserband, which has found the big sign of the money market.

In investing, the trade is carried out by the Düsseldorf State Attorney with a large mass. The end of the state of the house is only after a richterlichen beschluss einziehen. The active ownership of the “Paschas” has not come off the ground, the Grundstück is the pink-colored Real Estate in the Cologne city Ehrenfeld from selling or changing.

Background of the state action is the “Bild” report that makes some of the most likely mistakes, which can occur in a large part of the world. The companies that have a large schleuserband, the wealthy Chinese citizen illegally in Germany has yielded a sollie – an investigation into the ZDF for jewelry up to an amount of 360,000 euros per person. The group has its own debt to the “Passover” harvest, so the guilty is.

Bordell started in 1972 with the war in March 2021 by a German company for eleven Million Euros are hired. The company is another Chinese business woman and more German Anwälten heard. Offiziell von André Wienstroth will take office on March 18, 2022 during the “Passover” after the corona pandemic. Der 51-jaar renovated das Bordell and das Hotel in de nieuwe Etage has been converted.

Bei Razzien wurden insamt zehn Personen haftet; Zusätzlich wurden beef 1.2 Millionen Euro in bar beschlagnahmt. Two main reasons are also identified: Two legal aspects in the life of 42 and 46 years in the environment of Cologne.

Roads of the preliminary designs of the Schleuserei, the Bestechung and Bestechlichkeit were now the Anwälte, aber auch gegen Mitarbeiter morehrerer Behörden in Cologne and Umgebung ermittelt, reported the ZDF. One person was involved in international relations, another story that was in a different situation. Pascha-Betreiber Wienstroth hat sich bisher nicht geäußert.

Dermittlungen shed light on political conflicts: The two suspects have made large expenditures to the CDU-Kreisverband Rhein/Erft and the CDU Rhein/Berg to weld – quickly 13,000 and 30,000 euros. They spend 5,000 euros on jewelry to the Bundes-CDU and the Junge Union. The credit union itself has spent money and money, with the merchants.