
Citizen’s Allowance: Work Lose equals ihr Geld – SO teuer ist Rauchen

Citizen’s Allowance: Work Lose equals ihr Geld – SO teuer ist Rauchen

RTL2 listened in “Armes Deutschland” the unshaven reality of people, the financial prospects and other social herausforderungen of camps. I am the Doku-Soap-star of Carola (39) and her delicious last last: das Rauchen.

Carola (39) hat in a color that no longer fits into the Tage am Stück equipment. Dafür hat is a daily hobby: With friends Lothar (63) at the kitchen, listening to the radio and listening to music, was the zeug hält…

Citizen money: Raucher müssen tief in the Tasche Greifen

“Durch den ganzen Stress”, so Carola, don’t forget to see a Zigarette after the others. Is it a passion, when would the Glimmstangel be ready? “Then you will be in love,” says Freund Lothar (63), “and again Zigarette or beer, I am the best of both sisters.”

+++ Citizen money: Empfänger (22) klgt über „zu veld Geld“ at the End of the Monats +++

Do not strain the load longer than the lungs, under the Geldbeutel. Laut einer Umfrage von Statista zahlten die Deutschen im July 2024 durchschnittlich 8.20 Euro for a Schachtel der gangigsten Marken. Zum Vergleich: A Schachtel Zigaretten in the Premiumpreisklasse cost the German Zigarettenverband (DZV) in January 2002 for 3.00 Euro for 19 pieces. It is difficult to quickly see the Dreifache – if you wrap a zigarette more, it is longer.

Bürgergeld: So Geld fell sich in Luft auf

The price for Carola is determined in advance: Etwa 2,760 Euro will be raised in the Zigarettenrauch. Aber Carola does not look at others. “I have 13 concerns, within 39 years. So I can say that I can enjoy tomorrow, my husband is happy,” he explains.

+++ Bürgergeld-Empfängerin frustriert – “Man kann nicht leisten” +++

A Stolzer Prize for a last, the fast foursome of Carolas Bürgergeld verschlingt. If you are a man, your money will be in a Urlaub meer, one of the gefüllten Kühlschrank or gemeinsame Unternehmungen investor. Lothar must come from the general Gründen when they pause with the current – ​​an involuntary, but perhaps a problem.

But Carola stopped the warning before the risks of the smokers came up: ‘It is a question of the doctor, and all the things that smoke, but yourself. Every smoker!’

RTL2 shows new Folgen von „Armes Deutschland“ service days from 8.15 pm.