
Neuerungen zum Schulstart in Bayern: PISA Offensive and Verfassungsviertelstunde

Neuerungen zum Schulstart in Bayern: PISA Offensive and Verfassungsviertelstunde

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The new Schuljahr started with Herausforderungen: Lehrermangel and new Reformen. Cultural minister Stolz provides changes in individual areas.

Munich – “Wir haben zu wenig Personal. Wir haben Lehrermangel“, concrete Anna Stolz, Cultural Minister of the Freien Wähler, kurz for Schulstart. Sie fügte hindzu: “The situation is herausordernd, it is tense, aber sie ist manageable.” Ihr Ziel ist es, more Flexibility will be brought into the Lehrpläne, more Sports and Exercise will be integrated into the Schools and the pressure on the Students and Students will be reduced.

New Schuljahr in Bayern starts: 3,800 Lehrkräfte eingestellt

With the start of the new debt to the service (September 10), there are 1.72 million schoolchildren, schoolchildren and his lehrkräfte in the Unterricht zurück. Darunter since 134,000 Erstklässlerinnen and Erstklässler, was the Gesamtzahl der Schülerinnen en Schüler in Vergleich zum Vorjahr a etwa 31,000 erhöht.

I started in Bayern das neue Schuljahr.
I started in Bayern das neue Schuljahr. (Symbol image) © IMAGO/ Schneider

Zum Schuljahresbeginn hat der Freistaat etwa 3,800 Lehrkräfte new eingstellt, einschließlich 1,600 auf new geschaffenen Positionen. There are 600 other Couples for multi-professional Kräfte geschaffen, but there are 300 pädagogische Unterstützungskräfte, one of the Lehrkräfte at the main character of the company.

Stolz concrete, the basis of the Grundunterricht and the special concerns concerning Grund- und Mittelschulen zu 100 Prozent gewährleistet sei. All the more you will see in advance of the useful lessons of those students who are not yet besetzt. Simone Fleischmann, chairman of the Bayerische Lehrer- un Lehrerinnenverbanden, is in charge of the Lehrermangel as major problems are linked together, including a Mittelschullen.

Neuerungen zum Schulstart: PISA Offensive, Verfassungsviertelstunde and more sports

Stolz concreted, the debt of the first soul has sollte, Kinder and Jugendliche for his zukünftiges Leben zu stärken. “That year I became the focus on the health of children and children, also improving their quality of life. Resilienz, Achtsamkeit, Stressbewältigung, Zeitmanagement became easier and easier,” the Minister explained. More sports and signage are worth it.

In the factory, the factories in the entire Schulart are modernized and punished and the Prüfungskultur is further expanded. In Zeiten der KI hat Wissen een andere Bedeutung als nog voor een eigen jaar. It may be that all fragments “in the dialogue with the debt family” have appeared. A theme is on the Leistungsdruck: “Wo je kan Druck rausnehmen?” Dennoch passes the Schule to the Leistungsgesellschaft and young people begin to deal with Druck.

I have never been such a debtor who has carried out a number of business activities, which started in a few years. It is normal that in the normal situation there is an integrated and active operation.

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– start with the fundamental consideration Bedeutung der Verfassungswerte für das Leben des Einzelnen and the healthy living life sowie das Bewusstsein für die Legitimität der Staatlichen Ordnung,

– supported democratic basic principles wie Toleranz, Gemeinsinn anyway die Fahigkeit zu Perspektivwechsel and

– leistet een Beitrag zu eener Vibrant culture of transformation.

Quelle: Bayerisches Kultusministerium

Another Neuerung is the attack of the PISA offensive, the Grundkompetenzen in the Grundschulen are stronger. In response to the slashes of Pisa-Ergebnisse more Mathematics and German are placed on the hour plan. Grundschulen are supposed to reduce hours in English, Music, Art, Works and Gestalten. The teaching staff has free, concrete Stolz here. So English and music combinations can be made, while English songs are sung.

Weniger living families with Bonus of 250 Euro?

Stolz concrete, that the schulische Integration weiterhin aufgabe bleibt. With mandatory Sprachstandserhebungen, Sprachfördermaßnahmen and the Weiterentwicklung der Deutschklasses, a solid basis for the Schulstart would be created. The „Digital School of Education“ never starts with a flächendeckenden 1:1-Ausstattung met mobile Eindgeräten more Form an.

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The SPD faction in the Bavarian Landtag has a positive influence on the situation in which families with debts receive a state bonus of 250 euros. If you have criticism, it is that the SPD has done nothing about how this financial financing will proceed. If it is concrete, the state family has not been abandoned.

If the DGB Bayern gets the state government of the heads of state and more financial institutions for the whole family, there is a chance for a chance and a legal right to gewährleisten. “It is not possible to play in Bayern Bildung, so it seems that the financial power of the Eltern is being abolished,” said the previous Bernhard Stiedl. There is talk of a study by the Munich Ifo Institutes, which said that Bayern in Bezug has reached the Bildungsgerechtigde of the Letzten Platz. In the Bundesland it is so grim that other family backgrounds are a kind of grammar school. (with dpa)