
Aqua-Terra-Herz in Bussnang: Auffangstation für Reptilien droht Schliessung

Aqua-Terra-Herz in Bussnang: Auffangstation für Reptilien droht Schliessung


Bus hose TG«It’s not worth it anymore»: Reptilienstation kämpft ums Überleben

Aqua-Terra-Herz, a feeding station and consulting station for fish and reptiles from Thurgau, on the platz and the ressourcen. «We need immediate help!»

Jastine Deiss
  • The Reptile and Fish Farm Station in Bussnang TG comes to the border with its Kapazität.

  • The station is at Tierhalter, pflegt abgegebene and Zugelaufene Tiere.

  • Roads mangelnder Zeit bleiben aber vermehrt wichtige Aufgaben lie.

  • Ende Jahr wird die Station schliessen müssen, wenn no baldige finanzielle Unterstützung in Aussicht stehe.

In an unseemly house in Bussnang, a small village in Thurgau, houses 110 reptiles and many different fish. And Biggi Keller. Your home lasts eight years on a reptile and fish station. If the home is quickly filled with the levels, the offer becomes larger and larger. “A room remains for me to sleep”, said the stationed Biggi.

With the possibility to save Biggi and his Helfer the Animals. The Pflege is very time-consuming and inflatable. Every reptile is a little bit füttert and another prototype becomes one of the healthy things in the world of their life. Biggi quickly gets to grips with one of the frequently occurring problems and the discharge of volunteers, which is a purer Leidenschaft-mitarbeiten. “You can still enjoy time with the animals, so much work takes place”, Biggi pleads.

Biggi Keller, the Station Manager, with a laundry machine.

Biggi Keller, the Station Manager, with a laundry machine.


«Besitzer weinen, wenn siehr Tier abgeben»

The company works together with the Animal Protection and the veterinarian. Free-range reptiles, or more, that come from the bad Haltung, were given away by the Behörden at Aqua-Terra-Herz. Here they were sought out and viewed by the human, there is a spaced time point of vermitteln. A series of private subjects was abolished. Let Biggi the Nachfrage in the Society after a geigneten Abgabestelle for exotics bestehen and the Tendenz are thus founded.

“Many owners are weary when they have to give up their animal,” Biggi says. It is not that this animal owner can no longer remain in his or her life. Often it happens that your life changes abruptly. “Where else would these animals be brought? Other species of animals are not suitable for reptiles and exotic animals. I often feel like equipment and a special issue,” said the station manager.

Aqua-Terra-Herz: «It can’t go on like this!»

The sources and capital sources of the companies now come into your borders. Aqua-Terra-Herz is financed by the expenses and by a tax of the Tierschutzverein Bischofszell-Weinfelden. Dadurch all costs were covered and a 30 percent wage of 1000 francs per month paid, which is given to Biggi. “It seems that work lies, that is what you think 80 percent must be set up, because we lose money”, he said.

«More Hilferufe en nichts ist passionrt»

If you are in your business relationship longer, the financing problem of your partner is one of the best ways to become a middle-class helper, but his passion is not great. Spent and collection activities see only short-term help. “In order to be able to manage further, we need fixed incomes that a full-time couple can cover. Otherwise we must end the year and retire,” said Biggi. There is a complete of the inflation station where the man starts in the company.

Die Geschichte vom Aqua-Terra-Herz

2016 comb Biggi Keller’s Tochter with two Bartagamen nach Hause. If you don’t have Ahnung, whoever, stays standing. “Von Pontius asked Pilate to inform me here,” so Biggi. «Jedes Fachbuch contains other information. The information about the information, which was no more, was very correct, Biggi said.

If you have power, then you can use the right know-how. While being together with the care and the animal doctors is a coarser treasure of knowledge and experience, this will not be possible. Biggi therefore expanded with four other people from Aqua-Terra-Herz, the consulting office for fish and reptiles. Shortly after, the consulting office became the starting station and the file I enlarged continuously.

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