
Living Longer: This Life Cycle Goes to a Longevity Conference

Living Longer: This Life Cycle Goes to a Longevity Conference

Living Longer: This Life Cycle Goes to a Longevity Conference

Der Nyhavn-Kanal in Copenhagen.
Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

At a long-term business conference in Copenhagen at Investoren und Wissenschaftler the “new Nordic” kitchen.

On the Speiseplan stands Gemüse, Nüsse, Samen and Sauerteigbrot.

Auch für süße Leckereien war Platz, everything in Maßen.

This is a machine equipment that contains an article from the US colleagues of Business Insider. There is an automatic processing and a real editing task.

“Who is war in Essen?” is not normally the Frage, the man is after one of the few conferences. Aber auf der 11. Tagung für Alternsforschung und Arzneimittelentdeckung (ARDD) last week in Copenhagen during which Essen aber gut.

If you are a professional scientist, who is working on the alternative and longer themes, in a remunerated university with investors, pharmaceutical companies and clinical trade, then just go and use a large amount of medicines or tutes with buying potato chips. Statistics lie as the conference beim cooken von einigen trendy einheimischen hulp, the “New Nordic Kitchen” practising.

For 20 years, Copenhagen has been engaged in the pulsating heart of the “New Nordic” movement. These solutions are fresh and seasonal, creating a simple and purifying technique. This ethos is in Noma gelebt, the best restaurant, which was founded five times in Folge zum besten der Welt. The founder of Noma, Claus Meyer, of the first New Nordic Food Manifesto has been confirmed, we can give a hint about the company, that the ARDD 2024 has been released.

The essence of Meyer’s war is delicious, tasty and satisfying. It is no more than 100 percent of the costs that the long term makes for another life, but the core concept is over.

Zum Frühstück: Sauerteigbrot, Joghurt and Overnight Oats

Various Weizen, Roggen and Sauertei gardens are great outdoor activities in Denmark.

Various Weizen, Roggen and Sauertei gardens are great outdoor activities in Denmark.
xmazepa/Getty Images

Okay, if you do that, tomorrow it will be a couple of plundertaschen gab (wir sind schließlich in Denmark!). – About the Frühstückskarte standsen auch herzhafte, gesunde Scandinavian Brotsorten.

Fermentierte Sauerteigbrote, nussige Brote and Vollkornbrötchen enthalten vee Ballaststoffe and since gut für den Intestine. If you encounter problems with the Grundlage for the so-called “Nordic” Ernährung, the only Ernährungs and Langlegrote experts will become their favorite.

If you want to use Overnight Oats and Joghurtbecher, it is good that the intestines are healthy. Yogurt is an intestine that provides potassium, protein and B vitamins, which makes Haferflocken intestine for the brain and waist.

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Meaty salads were a bigger hit and were at least a sign of the diet plan

Eine der Mahlzeiten: Salat mit Fleisch.

Eine der Mahlzeiten: Salat mit Fleisch.
Hilary Brueck

The “new Nordic” lunch and dinner times of the Noma chefs feel like they are dealing with Mediterranean cuisine, the vonn Ernährungswissenschaftlern in the goose world are so good.

Mittag- en Abendessen shien immer aus aus of der zwei Schüsseln zu besthen. They were immersed in the Irgendeiner Kombination der Fünf Hauptkomponenten Gefüllt.


Hilary Brueck

Neben dem Grünzeug goes into the Rule ein shortened versionIt is possible to make an easy trip to the Beispiel without having a toller, which falls under the Darm.

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An option that is lactose and gluten free.

An option that is lactose and gluten free.
Hilary Brueck

Unten auf de Stapel is, as a rule, one well-chosen gemstone typeswie geröstete Karotten or Auberginen mit Kräutern.

Eines der Gerichte ohne Salat: Fleisch mit Auberginen en Karotten, dazu Kartoffeln (nicht abgebildet) and a fresher Tomato and Gurkensalat.

Eines der Gerichte ohne Salat: Fleisch mit Auberginen en Karotten, dazu Kartoffeln (nicht abgebildet) and a fresher Tomato and Gurkensalat.
Hilary Brueck

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Nüsse, Obst undgelegentlich een süße Leckerei als Zwischenmahlzeit

The conference participant must not be hungry anymore (once he is stuck in between, he will be eating for a long time).

Hilary Brueck

All pairs of Stunden Wurden more Snacks from a Ruhigen Team from Kellnern ausgegeben. There is nothing wrong with Menge Plastikmüll. Large glass dishes with fresh, fresh and tasty fruits could be prepared in bamboo bowls, where hummus and gemstones were served in a delicious glass dish.

Nusse and Samen are probably the favorite snacks that are elongated, that is a rich protein and fiber that have been brought into the connection with a longer life cycle.

There are a few variations on the “unancerende” or the most popular snacks with dessert ice cream, brownies and an egg dish, which are a delicious warm dish.

Eugen Chirita for ARDD 2024

Anstatt the Leckereien after the Mahlzeiten will be served as a Dessert, brought by the Caterer de Riegel for the Coffee Breaks at the Afternoon Day. Garnier with getrockneten Himbeeren or Nüssen for a late kick. They were all a Paradebeispiel for the Maxime “everything in Maßen”, the Ärzte and Ernährungswissenschaftler who are so big in propaganda.

On Donnerstag try two small, golf ball size Kugeln Eiscreme: A magentafarbene with an Art Beerengeschmack and another with Stracciatella. The delicious Beerengeschmack was so herb and tasty in the warm sun so gut, that I was fully fried with the small portion.

Eugen Chirita for ARDD 2024

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If the war is made honest, about the quality of the conference costs. This time is a perfect example of a strategy for solving problems, which makes the chance of long-term schwören great. A problem, the realm of gemstones and whole grain products is a little dairy and refined carbohydrate with white bread or cake. Snacks Nuts and fruits. And I would not want to be perfect! If you like a little bit of a glass or a glass of wine in the evenings, it is not possible to provide for a long term, but it is in the Ordnung. So long as you have only water, tea and coffee on most days.

There may be some Americans who are on the go by default, but this is practically not so important. In Denmark, it is a fact that the country has come a long way, while it is the case that the utmost is provided to the avoiders and the people with healthier options on the other side. Even 7-Eleven has a fresh Couscous Salad with Hummus in the offer. This does not differ all that much from them, what we are there for.

There is an option at a 7-Eleven.

There is an option at a 7-Eleven.
Hilary Brueck

Finally, it should not only lie to the individual, to follow one’s health. At the moment I have a few ideas, which in my business and my life can take a little better shape, a long life.