
Bio versus Konventionell: Gesundheitliche Vorteile von Bio-Lebensmitteln

Bio versus Konventionell: Gesundheitliche Vorteile von Bio-Lebensmitteln

Organic farming spreads less pestilence and more animal welfare. Would it be a shame if you made the wrong choice? Was science darüber white.

Illustration Simon Tanner / NZZ

Leserfrage: Biolebensmittel since better for the environment. Is it gold plated for health?

Weniger Pestizide und Schadstoffe, meer Tierwohl, Artenvielfalt und Klimaschutz: Es gibt vale good Gründe, Biolebensmittel zu purchase. Entsprechend faith since sid bei de Verbrauchern, insbesondere in der Schweiz: Nirgendwo sonst wird more Geld voor ökologische erzeugte Lebensmittel ausgegeben. Rund die Hälfe der Konsumenten Steuert Täglich or Mehrmals Pro Woche das Bioregal im Supermarkt an, 80 Prozent Greifen zumindest zu ökological produzierten Lebensmitteln. Is it a matter of consciousness or health?

Wohl & His Answer

In the section «Wohl & Sein antwortet» you can read an excerpt from the lesson on healthy and common sense. Write to [email protected].

Another study shows that these are the most important substances that have a significant biological and conventional effect. New studies and large overview studies on a different picture: “Many things are said that biological food products are health-friendly”, said Harald Seitz from the Federal Center for Nutrition in Bonn.

Etwa bezüglich ofs Nährstoffgehalts: «Biological experiences Obst and Gemüse enthält weniger Wasser and thus have a higher Nährstoffdichte. Organic products and organic carrots contain much more vitamin C and are rich in secondary substances, including antioxidants, which, among other things, help Krebs and Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen schützen, erklärt der Ernährungswissenschafter.

The foundation for the knowledge of the environment and agriculture in agriculture. “Ernährungsphysiological beset the weisen Milch and Fleisch aus Öko-Haltung a more favorable Zusammensetzung von Fettsäuren auf, for everything fell Auslaufhaltung and Weidefütterung,” said Seitz. Biofleisch is one of the many products carried out by the production, more healthy Omega-3-Fettsäuren.

More Gutes and few Schlechtes

Positives for healthcare are no longer the bio-lebensmittel now, we will have more Gutes enthalten – without a few Schlechtes. Etwa Rückstände von Pestiziden, Insektiziden und Düngemitteln: Ein 2016 veröffentlichter Bericht des Wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Europäischen Parlaments zegt, dass Biogemüse beispielsweise weniger schädliches Cadmium enthält.

Ausserdem is as a rule nitrate as Gemüse from conventional Anbau. Nitrate can enter the nitrate supply, but the salt transport in the supply is negative and it regenerates. If your health is good, this is also the case with other harmful substances that Blei or Arsen often do not have large quantities of unterschiede zischen ökologically and conventionally adapted life.

Research into the quality of the research brings the view of the water and the fight against a kind of healthy food. So organic is a healthy lifestyle for the risk of allergies in children alternatives, excess weight in the skin and the best Krebsarten treatment. This is one of the last things we can do if we are negative about the knowledge of the children’s world of children.

When using Fleisch and Milch you can play all antibiotics on a role. In conventional Tierhaltung your einsatz is wide spread. “The use of antibiotics is a risk to the health of all people,” said Seitz.

If you do not refresh dust-free material more and more, it will no longer be possible to use the biosiegel, or eight regional products. During a long journey and a long transport route, the transport is often filled with a lot of content. Seitz’s tip for a balled portion of nahrstof: «Müse and fruit offer an unglazed art and sorting error and bring every mixture of changes to the counter. Your larger and smaller ones die auschohl, umso better. If then regional, seasonal and ancient agricultural isst, then it and the society a fallen.»

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