
Ex-Konzernchef Herbert Diess: VW muss Hausaufgaben machen | 11.09.24

Ex-Konzernchef Herbert Diess: VW muss Hausaufgaben machen | 11.09.24

HAMBURG/WOLFSBURG (dpa-AFX) – Der frühere VW (Volkswagen (VW) vz) – Chef Herbert Diess has shown the hearts of Sparkurs at Volkswagen (Volkswagen (VW) vz) for tirelessly. Europe’s largest car manufacturer has improved production, productivity and efficiency, says the magazine “Stern”. This is a better choice than the German standard from Kernmarke VW. “That’s since Themen, that man has been reborn for a long time.”

It is one of the most important things you can do when you buy an electric vehicle, he said. “That’s a re-examination.” Davon is no longer connected to the VW brand on the internal market. This had prepared for three years, if there was no group leader war, of 30,000 couples that could have fallen away from the core market – and had been subjected to all the criticism of the sides. For a year, the Platz on the group pitch must be free.

Volkswagen launched the Sparkurs at the Kernmarke VW Deutlich in September. Betriebsbedingte Kündigungen and auch Werkschließungen were no longer ausgeschlossen. Since 30 years of experience, the development process has been completed. Betriebsrat und Gewerkschaft kündigten massifen Widerstand an./fjo/DP/zb