
Peckham House in London by Surman Weston

Peckham House in London by Surman Weston

Peckham House in London by Surman Weston

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In the Dachgeschoss, the head of the flämisch Backsteinmauerwerk is a light-coloured Lochverband. © Jim Stephenson

The architect Percy Weston of Surman Weston has had a Glücksfall, since 2018 at auction an interestingly located small Grundstück in Peckham in south London, erwarb. No dense befahrenen Gleisen you will find in an unobstructed life in a Victorian nachbargebäude that offers the highest Kreativzentrum Peckham Levels – a brutalist park house from the 1980s. The Brache am Ende a Reihenhausreihe is also ideal for a construction project with unchanged Ausgang. Innerhalb von fun Jahren entstand schließlichezammen with seinem Büropartner Tom Surman the first vom Büro self-initiated Project: Surman Weston functions both as Bauherren, Architekten and Bauunternehmer.

Materials and subtle accents help define the space. © Jim Stephenson

The redevelopment component can be purchased on the Schmalen Parzelle a large family home with private atmosphere. A long time geshatete itself the process of de-engineering. In the analysis of the local construction companies the architects test a number of options and options, before the construction was erteilt wurde.

Different types of tools

The design is focused on the design of the house, with a large body of water and a compact back garden. The house is removed with one of the lookouts, which are manually found in the Victorian representation of the device. The Ziegel is placed in a “Hit-and-Miss” system, one of the monolithic forms that are depicted. In the Dachgeschoss, the head of the flämische Backsteinmauerwerk is a light-permeable Lochverband. Where a typical satteldachs emerge, the architects opted for a Flachdach, which is used as a roof garden. A Gewächshaus serves as a winter quarter for plants.

The Raumaufteilung follows the British Reihenhaus Traditions. © Jim Stephenson

Ruin boundaries

The Raumaufteilung follows the British Reihenhaus-Traditionen, with Küche, Wohn- und Esszimmer in the Erdgeschoss and a Vorgarten zur Straße. In the Obergeschoss I find the three Schlafzimmer, one with a higher deck and small Fenster nach Osten. Materials and subtle high-quality walls, which are open to the ground: terrazzo in the entrance area and in the kitchen, wooden floors in the english room in the empty walls, limestone walls in the garden and in the treppenhaus, a warm, rust-free plasterboard ür die privateen Schlafzimmer. Material use can be recycled. If the material is poisoned, the material borders on the borders: of the block walls, restored from recycled building blocks, over the Hirnholz block bodies, of the fall of the free deck beams that are composed in this way, as it is in the roof blocks, which are used as pflastersteine ​found in the Garden of Regeneration.

The largest stairwells are best achieved using CNC-milled Kiefernbrettern. © Jim Stephenson

Full plant details give the Peckham House its own character. © Jim Stephenson

Simple, robust materials

The inner states consist of simple, robust materials, which in words alternatively sollen. The Bauweise is generally looking and wants zelebriert, so at the free, large steps of CNC-milled machines or the tragedy Wall beams from Wood, while the Rinde des Baumes erhalten is, or they are ready to be executed. Percy Weston and Tom Surman are busy with their own hand and the holistic construction, the visible plank beams and the large wood floors of the hand that install the windows, the air conditioning and the solar collectors.

A Gewächshaus on the Dach serves as a Winter Quarter for Pflanzen. © Jim Stephenson

Reduce energy consumption

When there are wars, the costs and the energy input are reduced. The materials originate from the neighbouring environment. The house is insulated with triple glazing and an airtight housing with mechanical ventilation gain. The energy supply for the form of photovoltaic energy in the connection with an air heat pump. The two collected performance data exceed the original souls in the demand for energy consumption and lie 80% above the requirements of the building regulations.

The Achterrasse is a green oasis. Here the intensity of the city can increase. © Jim Stephenson

The construction of the house and the properties of the material seduce the house with its own character and convey a sense of secrecy. After the rapid breakthrough of the years, while the Corona pandemic penetrated, Percy Weston and his family a; Tom Surman has his own home at 30 Perzent. When Surman Weston won more prizes in 2014, he was awarded the RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize 2022 for the Hackney School of Food.

Architect: Surman Weston
Manufacturer: Surman Weston
Location: Cicely Road, London SE15 5HW (GB)

Team: Percy Weston, Tom Surman, Hilly Murrell
Project architect: Percy Weston
Tragwerksplanung: Structure workshop
TGA Planning: Peter Deer and Associates
Landscape design: Lidia D’Agostino Garden Design
Construction contractor: Surman Weston

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