
ispace can support the Gründung eines Lunar Advisory Board

ispace can support the Gründung eines Lunar Advisory Board

Fortschrittliche Entwicklung der Raumfahrtwirtschaft

Takeshi Hakamada, CEO and Gründer von ispace, inc. (ispace) (TOKYO: 9348), een global unternehmen voor de Erforschung des Mondes, gab heute de Ernennung seines Lunar Advisory Board, dem angesehene Persönlichkeiten aus der Raumfahrtindustrie angehören, die über fallfältige and uninterested ergahrungen versügen and a wahrhaft international Perspektive ver treten.

The first ispace Lunar Advisory Board is composed of Jean-Jacques Dordain, General Director of the Europäischen Weltraumorganisation, Yoshinori Komiya, General Director of Social Security of the Japanese Cabinet, Tomoya Thomas Ochinero, Senior Vice President of Commercial Business at SpaceX, and Alan Stern, General NASA Associate Administrator of the Science Mission Directorate, an. (As of September 2024, in alphabetical order)

“Ich freue mich sehr, die Gruppe sich einem beskrivelse workforce des Raumfahrtindustrie, de Space als weltweit-führendes Unternehmen bij de Entwicklung van de nouvelle cislunaren Weltraumwirtschaft will be. My Soul at the Gründung of de Global Advisory Board wars, un Gruppe van Persons with Global Amalgamations, who do not offer any vision or perspective, offer some insights and integrated solutions for the reformulations, which work with gegenüberstehen,” said Hakamada. “Your life has its own positive experiences and valuable careers, which are supported by the vision of ispace in the future. We have also gained full recognition from the global history of ispace.”

It is a fact that the board critically examines the international economy of ispace in Japan, Luxembourg and the United States and conducts empirical research into strategy, strategy, technology, national security and social economy. ispace is the foundation of the cislunar economic community with the board-mitgliedern lead, the über Erfahrungen in wired spatial equipment and commodities companies fade away.

Profile of the Mitglieder des Lunar Advisory Board (as of September 2024, in alphabetical order).

Jean Jacques Dordain

I am very happy that the Global Advisory Board of the ispace is concerned with a solution for space travel and helping the world, the limits of the planets are there and so the way to the possibilities of the world. If you find a big company and as a big Ehre, who grows up. If this world offers a global space, you receive the best know-how on 3 continents of the planets. I was increasingly learned, when it was the Treibstoff-mines-Lebens-life.”

Mr. Dordain waged war against the General Director of the European Weltraumorganisatie (ESA) and the fight with the ESA-Rat in that period, which was innehat from 2003 to 2025. In the last years of the Karriere-war there is talk of a state and academic function, another executive organization of the Japanese Raumfahrtbehörde NASDA. Darüber is one of the more European regimes for our service, which works with the order of the Honorary Legion of the French presidents. The war is a chairman of the International Astronautical Federation and chancellor of the International Space University.

Yoshinori Komiya

“As Director of Space Strategy in (Japanese) Cabinet Office War, War Ispace is one of the leading Space Flight Startups in Japan. In this new role, everything was done to make space available for launching Monderkundung programs with a global perspective.”

Mr. Komiya served for three years in the Japanese Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry (formerly the Ministry of International Trade and Industry), we are acting as General Director for Welfare Affairs in the Ministerial Secretariat of the Cabinet Office. This function has been beautifully viewed by the Japanese basic plan for the Space Policy and the Form of the Laws on Space Policy and the Laws on the Satellite Conference. In the year 2016 there has been a Commissioner for Japanese Patents.

Tommie Thomas Ochinero

“It’s one of the things that the iSpace Lunar Advisory Board has done. I hope that I can work with my colleagues and use space to help create an exciting and inspiring mission.”

Dr. Ochinero is a former CEO of SpaceX, who was in the war as Senior Vice President of Commercial Business. Over the course of 10 years, the Rocket and Space Flight Center war has seen a tremendous expansion and the fight against SpaceX to the World Market Leader for commercial Space Flight Services. There is a Founder and Vorstandsvorsitzender of SMC, a company for high technology and a job as a Sales Trader for Goldman Sachs in Tokyo. The company is a Founder and General Partner of Interlagos Capital in Los Angeles.

Alan Stern

“ispace is the driving force behind the commercial enterprise of the world. I hope that it is a good thing, the part of the Angesehenen Lunar Advisory Board of ispace to start. I hope that my colleagues and their team of the Führungsteam their website of Stehen and that of us will see the Entwicklung der kommerziellen Mondwirtschaft voranzutreiben.”

Dr. Stern is one of the most advanced NASA administrators and leader of the NASA Mission New Horizons with the mission of Pluto and the Kuipergürtels, who has done more research into the welfare of everyone. There is no research into the astronaut war that has been conducted by the US National Science Board and has swum in the Time 100 list of a number of people. There are data on erasure and technical analyses and articles are produced and restored and is an authorization of more books. This is a berater for Luft- and Raumfahrt-tätig.

About ispace

ispace, a global world with the vision “Expand our Planet. Expand our Future.”, which is engaged in the development and construction of the world and the special space of the world. If it is good that the sphere of human lifestyle in the world is expanded and a sustainable world benefits, this high-frequency, cost-efficient transport services for the entire world compensates. The company has concessions in Japan, Luxembourg and the United States and employs more than 250 employees worldwide. For more information, visit and follow X: @ispace_inc.

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Andrew C.Ames

Specialist in global communications

ispace, inc.

[email protected]