
This is the Candidates in Scale 4

This is the Candidates in Scale 4

2024 is the strange Dating Format “Princess Charming” with Rankel 4 back. It is a new episode on the Thai island of Koh Samui. If the new “Princess” Lea Hoppenworth, who is on 20 Single Ladies, is no longer the new “Princess” Lea Hoppenworth, the courtesy in her heart will cease. The concept of the dispatch is a prince-tie that is at “Die Bachelorette” or “Prince Charming”, now the anstelle of Rosen or Krawatten Halsketten was displayed. Wer von der “Princess” a Kette erhält, is a Runde weiter. It is finally time that there is a candidate.

Were the candidates for “Princess Charming” 2024? We are asking for personal care items from Staffel 4 genauer vor.

“Princess Charming” 2024: Candidates in Level 4

Christine (28) from Cologne

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Die Kölnerin Christine works as an Immobilienkauffrau and Barkeeperin. They describe themselves as humorous, empathetic and versatile. This is all you need Minimalistin – in 1-Zimmer-Wohnung you will find over 60 pairs of sneakers and over 80 pairs.

Hang (31) from Hannover

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Hang ist von Beruf Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin. “I am an open, communicative and a team person. I have a cool Ausstrahlung”, so the 31 year, for the Alter your Partner in a Beziehung nicht ausschlaggebend ist. When you are done with the man in life.

Inci (27) from Heidelberg

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The 27-year-old is extroverted, deep green and spontaneous. If you put a service at the Vertriebsdienst and the Belastingdienst on the ground, this falls under your personal Weiterentwicklung. They sing and laugh when they are both for the public.

Julia (23) from Berlin

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Julia studies and lives by the motto “Don’t think about it, just do it”. The extroverted 23-year-old said that they think and think that they are athletic and athletic. With “Princess” Lea Hoppenworth it could be that she is busy with her art, humor and fun punks.

Katharina (28) from Regensburg

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Katharina is professional as a systemic single and couple therapist in a different way. Private work is the time with my dog ​​- hence his own humor as “love and lustful Dog-Mom”.

Lara (27) from Frankfurt

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The 27-year-old cosmetic products are a good way to improve your own description, care and creativity. Your Freizeit is often put on the Konzerten. If it is true, you do not know that you yourself die from your Dauergrinsen.

Laura (28) from Bochum

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The engineering students and the best speditie experts are in a familymensch and spontaneous, lebensfroh and offenherzig. A personal life in life is a own family of the ground. If you are single, you can not the right Frau kendegelernt hat.

Lisa (24) from the Nähe von Bamberg

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Lisa is a student and sarcastic, athletic and tolpatschig. If you find the form of “Princess Charming” among other things that are of interest, you can see the facets of the community and the themes of Queer Awareness and LGBTQ+ authors lie.

Lucia (28) from Leipzig

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Tattoo artist Lucia is a designer and yoga teacher who is concerned with looking at the best results after posting. If you are magical, you can be creative. Ehrlichkeit and Transparenz are important when it comes to nature in nature.

Maike (30) from Berlin

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Maike is head of marketing and is going through life as a single for a year. Your own feelings are empathetic and for you if you are aware of the person with a passion and a healthier core. Maike has been in Australia for a long time, her Celebrity Crush is Kristen Stewart and Shannon Beveridge.

Marjam (30) from Hamburg

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Marjam is from Beruf Pflegekraft and describes her personal character as “charming, voluptuous, life-loving”. The long-term that I spent four years has come to an undisputed verte with my ex-partner over time. If you want you can buy, if you want others to do so, they will do so too.

Marlen (31) from Berlin

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Marlen is from Beruf Headhunter in the bank and private Single on June 2023. Four years in the US gelebt and power in the Gerne Sport – on 3. Lebensjahr plays his active tennis.

Melissa (28) from Neuss

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Account Manager at Melissa has received his own description of a “higher Tollpatsch” and never with “Princess Charming” 2024 and a personal Lieblings format container. “I am a person who is close to me, we are my own person”, so that I am 28 years old myself.

Sara (20) from Vienna

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Sara came as a Komparsin and, at the age of 20, is the young teilnehmerin in “Princess Charming” 2024. “I am a strong and charismatic young woman. I am self-confident and white, I was willing,” the Viennese clearly states. Ihr Lebensmotto? “Living and living welding.”

Sarah (29) from Cologne

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Sarah is a quality manager, humorous, empathetic and a hearty frohnatur. If you see your own music and your waiters in life, that’s great. If you travel the world, you can work best with your partner.

Seleya (23) from Cologne

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Seleya works in the IT sector as a Bartender. The 23-year-old age is described as a living person, the first on the way ist. The size of the “Princess Charming” you will find for everything that is important, we will purchase your attention and awareness about FINTA* persons.

Sina (24) from Munich

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“It is nice to be important – but even more important to be nice” – according to Lautet das Lebensmotto von Sina. It is a legal case and a private household novel, which is itself a business of its own. “I believe that with the right woman common good and the best version of herself becomes”, according to Sina.

Tay (25) from Munich

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Student Tay even estimates it as extremely likely. “I just have a Mischiung from creative Chaos with Sehnsucht nach Abenteuern aus. I have a lot of experience with the Bedürfnis after Harmonie, Struktur und Ruhe – that is a bisschen broader prüchlich,” the Münchnerin explains. We all saw our Hunde-Mama, while our friends made “Mom”.

Tommi (23) from Osnabrück

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Tommi is not in the Studium, a creative Kopf, classic “Overthinker” and since 2020 Single. “If you wish, you will have to wait and be happy with it. And then you will have to wait for it,” says Tommis Ansicht.

Viviana (24) from Vienna

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Viviana is a student and free assistant and experienced coming out in the community – the reactions have been “more or less positive”. “Anfeindungen in der Öffentlichkeit habe ich leader schon öfter erlebt”, recognize the 24 years, which describes your personal schlicht with three words: “Warmme statt Coolness”.

“Princess Charming” 2024 launched RTL+ and a good night’s sleep on Free-TV VOX-up.