
Anti-Terror-Einheit besucht 19-year-old Britin – Samurai-Schwert beschlagnahmt! – Nachrichten AG

Anti-Terror-Einheit besucht 19-year-old Britin – Samurai-Schwert beschlagnahmt! – Nachrichten AG

In all Great Britain, gardens! A young Briton (19) was driven crazy by the anti-terrorist Einheit campaign. Those Beamten urge in your Elternhaus a and beschlagnahmten – stop euch fest – a decorative Samuraischwert! But das Mysteriöse: Auch nach dem besuch wiegt de Polizei zu den Gründen der Durchsuchung.

Pure drama: What are the Schlagzeilen überschlagen, see the Aufregung on Social Media during a larger Kreise. Der Aufruf eines Nutzers spricht Bände: “The “Woke Gestapo” frags after an English Helmet, where Islamist Extremists remain unbehelligt”.

Secret entrance

The Ereignisse is set for a day of its own, as the young woman of the Merseyside police and the anti-terrorist unit that is being investigated. The collection poses questions about their political interests – especially, because they are right-wing. The center of the siege is on the Besitz an “Anglo-Saxon helmet” – after the release of a Roman helmet. Was the demand for that raid? Fehlanseige! The concrete proposals were not shared with you.

Kuriose Entwicklungen: Whoever reports the organization “We Are Fair Cop”, that young woman has not received war with the Gesetz in conflict. I was proud to be with the Rat, to be able to see it on the Internet and “it was great, it was nice”.

Just had a visit from the anti-terrorism police (who are probably reading this)

Refused to tell me what I said

Refused to tell me where I said it

Refused to tell me how it went

took my 60 year old father’s decorative samurai sword

And questioned the Roman helmet

On X, the police confirmed the incident with the words: “Hello, we can confirm that the officers present were from the Counter Terrorism Police – North West as part of an investigation they are conducting, thank you.”

Decorative Waffe confiscated

Come with zum exciting part: The radiant confiszierten are during the duration of a decorative waffle – a samurai work, which the woman in the family laughs and has been in the family for 60 years. How unbelievable!

The heartfelt criticism follows in the social media. An employer who makes a remark: “A woman who owns an English ornament is a woman?” Another word spoke about the new “Woken Gestapo”. That Öffentlichkeit ensures an end to clarity and transparency!