
Berlin is the capital of the car race

Berlin is the capital of the car race

The Zahl der Autodiebstähle in Deutschland started a year later at the Versicherungswirtschaft a rapid 20 Prozent rises – at the height of the risk in Berlin. Bundesweit seien 14.585 kaskoversicherte Vehicles stored, part of the Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft mit. “Der economic damage caused by the car diebe costs more than 310 million euros.”

In the context of the Bundesländer und Großstädte in Deutschland ist das Risiko in Berlin am großten, dass Diebe zachlagen. “Berlin is one of the main cities of the Automobile Industry, with a lot of technical changes here,” said the Hauptgeschäftsführer des Verbands, Jörg Asmussen, Laut Mitteilung. “Inzwischen findet fast jeder dritte Autodiebstahl bundesweit in Berlin statt.”

Weniger Fälle in southern Germany

2023 seien in der Hauptstadt 4266 kaskoversicherte Pkw entwendet be, gut 46 Prozent mehr as im Vorjahr. Zum Vergleich: In Hamburg there were 853 cars, in North Rhine-Westphalia 2915 and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 181. In Bavaria there were 596 vehicles, in Baden-Württemberg 574. Dennoch continues with the Zahlen.

The bandage is very suitable for the damage suffered. “I will pay the insurer for every diesel fast 21,400 euros, around six percent more than in the past year,” says Asmussen. I believe I will use other SUVs.

The 2022 war will be fought by car thieves – after a setback from the corona pandemic.