
Kürbiskernöl in der Küche: Sattgrün, soft and mildly nutty

Kürbiskernöl in der Küche: Sattgrün, soft and mildly nutty

Kürbiskernöl wird aus den Samen des Ölkürbisses (Cucurbita pepo) won.

Kürbis, Kürbis core oil
Image by Stefan Schweihofer on Pixabay

The meat is dark green and has a mild aroma. My strain comes from Steiermark and is better than Grenzen-Österreich. The spezialität is according to a traditional tradition in local oil companies restored. In a small part of time the investments in other federal states were taken over and delayed by the winning of the Kürbiskernolie.

After the nitty gritty has been done, the salt and wax will blend together and become healthier. The initial pressure is better with a thin layer of thick, soft oil, for a liter of beef 2.5 kilograms of core.

Kürbiskernöl schmeckt in Salatsoßen, Aufstrichen and Dips. There may be a large degree of preparation of dishes and dishes from pasta or aromatic paste. For unique Geschmacksnuancen, the “Grüne Gold” is sorted into Süßspeisen including Vanilla and Tiramisu. Zum Kochen, Braten and Backen are nothing special.

The core of the product is a powerful, unhealthy food with linoleic oil and oil and has relatively high vitamin E content. We have positive inhalants such as B-Vitamin and Vitamin K, Zinc, Selene and Minerals such as Magnesium and Kalzium.

Beim Einkauf von Steirischem Kürbiskernölte man auf das EU-Siegel „geschützte regional Angabe“ (ggA) eighten, denn Fälschungen since nicht selten. It is a matter of convenience and sollte zu Hause kühl and dunkel were stored. Original shipping is a way to use the Monate barbell after the bottle is placed on the inside of the three Monats, which can be easily damaged.

Source: Heike Kreutz,

With “Steiische Kürbiskernöl” with the geschützten geographical Angabe ggA, the Hersteller guarantees that all Erzeugerstufen vom Anbau bis zur Verarbeitung in Österreich stattfinden. “Für other Kürbiskernöle könen die Kerne beisplayelsweise in Russland, China or weiteren Gebieten der Welt kommen,” says Hülsmann. If this pressure and decrease is carried out, the work is not possible. (Verbraucherzentrale Bayern)