
HOCHDORF-Aktie +93 Percent: HOCHDORF responds to a unique new offer | 11.09.24

HOCHDORF-Aktie +93 Percent: HOCHDORF responds to a unique new offer | 11.09.24

But the HOCHDORF Verwaltungsrat wins ab.

HOCHDORF will conclude an agreement on September 18 with the general representation of HSN and the Swiss-British private equity firm AS Equity Partners, which has the Innerschweizer in the Mittwoch period.

Denn Newlat has so far no problem for the HSN-eingerigh, there is still more HOCHDORF. The Italian population has in the course of the month a “unstructured various rudimentary buyer’s seat” in the field geführt.

A deal with AS Equity Partners was closed on a day when a higher transaction took place. Due to the intertwined nature of the company, the private equity firm has become the best ownership of HSN.

New war incidents May with a Versuch gescheitert, the Verwaltungsrat von HOCHDORF complete zu übernehmen. There is a new kind of verwaltungsräten that spends a new “radical umbau” at HOCHDORF.

A substantial part of the critical HOCHDORF security is new. Gemäss der letzten bei der Schweizer Börse aufgeschalteten Beteiligungsmeldung vom Mai beläuft sich der Anteil auf gut 9,7 Prozent.

An der SIX, the HOCHDORF action jumps in the Mittwoch time period of 92.90 Prozent nach oben auf 5.98 Francs.


Highdorp (awp)