
Deutsche Telekom outperforms von Bernstein Research am 11.09.24

Deutsche Telekom outperforms von Bernstein Research am 11.09.24

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) – The US-Analysis house Bernstein Research has placed Deutsche Telekom with a price of 32 euros on “Outperform” values. The non-existent Internet access of the generation Z became an important file, analyst Nick Lyall wrote in his Mittwoch-voorliegende commentary on the European telecommunications sector. There are alternatives for the new generation in 1995, the first generation, which were developed with smartphones, tablets and video apps, is also becoming increasingly popular and mobile. If you impose a limitation yourself for a long time, then ensure new investments and a profitable investment for a number of unfinished results. Lyall will deal with industry steppers with an extension band and fiber optic business with BT and Orange in its mobile market and sales scaffolding. To the sales will be pivotal Telenor, Telia and Deutsche Telekom./gl/ag

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 10.09.2024 / 16:04 / UTC First Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 11.09.2024 / 04:00 / UTC

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