
Konzeptneurone sind Bausteine ​​​​of Erinnerung / Bonner Forschende clearen die Funktion von spezialierten Nervenzellen bei der Gedächtnisbildung

Konzeptneurone sind Bausteine ​​​​of Erinnerung / Bonner Forschende clearen die Funktion von spezialierten Nervenzellen bei der Gedächtnisbildung

Destined nerve cells in Gehirn are becoming more and more active, if you can confront the best person or the identity of an object with undescribed photos or the names of a person. You can make a high selection and respond to other people or objects. These generated neurons can now appeal to human funds and now in the medial Schläfenlappen, whose uncovered representation has not disappeared. An international research team of Prof. Florian Mormann from the Clinic for Epileptology in the UKB, which was part of the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) “Life & Health” of the University of Bonn is the best prepared in a 2017 study with the most important function for the Arbeitsgedächtnis , reimbursed one of the best motivations to cure special neurons Gedächtnisinhalte verfügbar haltn. If you are active for so long, a new image and another nervousness has arisen. If you involve the Research Team, you can carry out the operation of the neuron in the working phase of the previous phase, while the probands focus on the intended image.

If there is an incorrect description of the history of episodic history, the autobiographical history and history of a job and a certain time are unclear, its functioning and the war unclear. “Then went with the hypothesis after, these concept neurons love the building stones ​​which became a concomitant effort for a memory”, says Assistant Professor Sina Mackay, PhD candidate at the University of Bonn in the working group of Prof. Mormann at the UKB.

Neuronal Action establishes “Was” and “Wo” in the Memorial Bildung

It is possible that the Bonner Research Team has conducted a study of the epilepsy clinic in the UKB – one of the largest epilepsy patients in Europe: here people were surgically treated people, who lead another form of epilepsy. When there is a malfunction, the electrodes are implanted in the device, a Krampfherd on site. If you are concerned with continuing the electrical activity of neurons, you can help epilepsy patients – for the active study war with an associative paradigm, where persons or objects can reach one of the best positions on the screen. The Bonner Research Messages feed the medial Sleep flaps as well as the parahippocampal Kortex, the Ortszellen bebergt, durch. Lately, this moment is only the beginning of the display of neurons, but of the ortszellen, where the best positioning on the image fungus reaction occurs, on the picture that is displayed, and an unreliable davon, where the images and the position that they see are present.

If the research team of Prof. Mormann has had an advance effect, the Bonn research can now say that the activity of concept neurons in the medial Schläfenlappen the ortsneurone in parahippocampal nerves Kortex the correct storage of concept-orts-pairs is realized. “In any case in the object and ortselective neuron populations, the feuerates were significantly higher, when these spaces were correctly remembered”, Mackay said. The overarching neuron, which expanded more than 90 percent in those regions, which had no erroneous representation, was the highly specific role of concept and ortneurons. “Once you are in the middle of time and the parahippocampal apparatus falls asleep, you die in an unpleasant life involved in the celebration of the reaction of the skills – research in time,” said Prof. ser Hypothesis for hereditary stop.

Advantages: These research projects are carried out by the Volkswagen Foundation and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs (SFB) 1089 gefördert.