
Action Europe: Stabil – An overview of US inflation data | 11.09.24

Action Europe: Stabil – An overview of US inflation data | 11.09.24

PARIS/LONDON (dpa-AFX) – The European stock market has stabilised in the midweek after the reversal in the morning. We are dealing with inflation data from the US state in which inflation no longer manifests itself. I am facing the TV duel of the American presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Considering the weight of the Eurozone-Leitindex EuroStoxx 50 ein Plus von 0.22 Prozent auf 4,757.70 Punkte. For the Schweizer SMI this concerns an amount of 0.40 Prozent auf 11,917.04 Punkte bergab. The British FTSE 100 lost 0.19 Prozent auf 8,190.68 Punkte.

In the European industry comparison, all the single trade titles were available. Als Zugpferd erwiesen sich Geschäftszahlen des Textilkonzerns Inditex. Dessen Aktien is als EuroStoxx-Spitzenreiter 3.8 Prozent von ihrer Talfahrt since End August.

The technology of the Mittwoch can be used. Follow the further developments on the US technology exchange Nasdaq. In EuroStoxx 50 the chipboard restorative ASML (ASML NV) and the semi-finished product repairer Infineon with results of 3.4 and 1.4 percent for the largest gains. A message is sent about a period of the manufacture of semi-finished products on a gallium nitride basis. It is possible that the product entails enormous costs for the production of the building products.

I have made an unannounced bank declaration which is on the commercial bank in Fokus. This UniCredit on a credit application can provide a payment arrangement. The Aktien der Italian Großbank has fallen to 0.5 Perzent.

Actions of the Renewable Energy Profitables Area, the US presidential candidate Harris in an attempt to make the TV-Duell more positive about the republic of Trump. A Börsian follow-up is the verbal position of Harris a positive perspective for the future of the energy sector, and Trump as a defender of the fossil energy source gilded.

At Wind Turbine Repairers Vestas (Vestas Wind Systems AS) can use a Plus of 6 Percent freuen in the previous years. An American company has the Solar companies First Solar and SolarEdge German Kursaufschläge ab.

Derweil powers die a large part of the paper of the pharmaceutical industry (STOXX EU600 Health Care). Here a tax return is made of 2.6 Percent at Branchenriesen Novartis. With the emphasis on the bisherigen-kaufemfehlung by the Bank of America study is another house the Aktien ab.

Auch Autoaktien were zur Wochenmitte nicht gefragt. Will die here Warning from BMW from Tuesday to Friday. More analysts have given their opinion on the title of autobauers./gl/jha/


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