
BDS und A100 bedrohen Berliner Club: Ein Bollwerk bleiben

BDS und A100 bedrohen Berliner Club: Ein Bollwerk bleiben

Das About Blank leads to a BDS Boykott campaign. Days of the Club and, especially those who enjoy the Autobahn at the Protestrave “A100 road bases”.

People for the Club About Blank

Das About Blank voor letztjährigen „A100 road basses“ Photo: Joerg Carstensen

In the garden of About Blank, in the summer of the disco, you can use the service of the herbs. The Boden is covered with Laub, which is used by the Club: in the Eindruck, when the summer is refreshed. In the left-wing radicals of Technoclub am Ostkreuz you will find a press conference for the Freitag protesting against the Weiterbau of the Stadtautobahn A100 statt.

Sollte der 17. Bauabschnitt swiss Treptower Park and Storkower Straße were made, most of the Club who fell other auch weichen. However, since About Blank bis dahin durchhält – der Spatenstich droht from 2030 –, it is unknown. Before the Boykott movement is one of the propalästinensische issues that exist and the Arbeitsplätze of 150 Mitarbeiter:innen schon jetzt.

Florian Paloma, who worked with her parents for many years: a collective staff, who has a stunde for the press conferences in another time, offers caravans on the Blank-Garten Platz. During the summer, in the uniqueness of the backpacks, the time was partly “durchwachsen” slackened. “The puffer is not standing still”, said Paloma. It is a “economic and a boycott crisis”. Excited after a woolen man, will not take place on April 15. “We have no desire to hear for a long time.” There is even a fight to lead: “Autonomendisko vs. A100” is on a banner on the roof of the Club.

Finally, the About Blank fights with all clubs with increased prices in all segments, especially for energy. The higher costs will be greater than if all you did, your only club night will cost only 25 euros. The potential-enhancing effect is that the guest prefers to sit at the Spätibier.

Boycott campaign causes massive damage

Dazu comes to the White of the Damage by the BDS Boycott Movement, the Club as “pro-Israeli” or “Zionist” and destroys as an end-of-year marker. First of all, tomorrow there must be a night on the Facade a Palestinian flag in the inscription “Free Gaza. Fuck Anti-D” – it is the stream of the anti-Germans – who we will see as the leader of Hamas-Dreieck. If you have a man, so Paloma, with the stickers and flyers directed by the club, personal offers, pictures, or a sandwich.

I was aware of the fact that the absence of partyveranstaltern, my bookings did not itch anymore or the DJs who came on, we could not say that they were messing around in an empty room and that they exerted enormous pressure. Zwar stems from the first Boycott against the Club of 2017, really heavy became after the Hamas siege in Israel on October 7 and the following Gaza war. “Absagen were in this year but the rule as the exit”, said Paloma. The Club-trifft of the Boycott movements “DJs against Apartheid” or “Ravers for Palestine” became as popular as Berghain and the Ziel-solcher effect became bigger.

If Blank himself goes looking for a critique, it may be that he does not bring up “no expert:innen” and the opinions. When Israel reacted uncritically to the Israeli army, Paloma was returned. Position the man on the theme of “Anti-Semitism in Germany” and on the role of the BDS movement, the man is “not to be disowned” and death, that an “extremist has become a pressure and has been destroyed”. The team has made a long statement. Paloma pleads with them, “Put out the rest of the discussion”. He said: “Do not let us, without striving, disrupt our projects.”

Part of the drawing

If Antwort de Club has not even started a rescue campaign, in one of the best issues, there is a German insight into the machen, that is also the way the radical link is shown, as Paloma says. The September program is packed with political anastomosis. There are a number of new antifa films from the Kollektivs Leftvision, Solipartys and an Evening to the Landtagswahl in Brandenburg. Dazu comes with a film screening together with the discussion of the low in Iran, an anastomosis of anti-Semitic terrorist attacks from Halle and no more the beteiligung of the A100 protest.

Paloma said: “Woollen gestalten en raus der Elendsverwaltung der letzten Year mit Corona and dem Boykott.” Auf der Presskonferenz später nennt is das About Blank “a Bollwerk on the Autobahn”. Anyone who started with the Bundnis A100 road basses a year ago would be happy with their music from About the Blanket to the Treptower Park until the end point of 2025.

I think this is the Bürger: the A100 initiative, Fridays for Future and the Queermany initiative. There are several clubs, think of Renate, the search for the club and the club committee. Vorsitzender Marcel Weber warned that he would see a “different dimension of Clubsterben” and that blanco would be an Ort, “der ziemlich welke ist”.

According to Christian Mast, the thinking behind the fall means “to unite the fight that was carried away by the Autobahn”. If you look at another city police force, it is the case that the “sold out” police, the ecological turnaround or a new fossil project, is about “the system system, that it is a club that is being created”. As a Bündnis, we stand “in solidarity behind the White”, so Mast; If all goes well, there is a great protest against the years of decline and one of the most decisive decision-making processes.