
the Bavarian setzt new Maßstäbe in ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen

the Bavarian setzt new Maßstäbe in ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen

Munich (ots) –

The Insurance Group of the Bavarian company in its Bemühungen in Sachen Sustainability and social responsibility forward. In my current financial situation, the message from the company is that there is a large part of the way to more sustainability and social commitment forward. The Insurance Group pursues the Soul, to connect economic success with ecological and social responsibility. If one of the CO2 equivalents of the investments has a share of 40% and an investment volume of 145 million euros (market value) in the investment fund in the Investment Fund, there is energy that undoes the Bavarian involvement in a sustainable investment.

“In Bavaria we think beyond the limits of the classical insurance company’s history”, says Dr. Herbert Schneidemann, Supervisory Director of Bavaria. “Our soul is, through prevention and sustainable problems a real added value for our knowledge and skills and the society to buy. The reduction of CO2 emissions in the protection and the certification by the Great Place to Work without Beispiele, with that vision at that time It is a great experience to improve the value, the Reach Sustainability at the Bavarian time is an astonishing, that in many cases there are more possibilities to find a way to the long and developed Transformation.

Valuable CO2 reduction on the date of sale 2019

The Bavarian company has reduced its CO2 emissions by 40% since 2019 (Basic Year). This German translation reflects the consequence of the broader view of the external systems, which minimizes its own ecological shock absorption and actively works on the climatic protection of your slates. If you see that there is a problem, the insurance group must use a large source of resources as the solution for the costs, the optimization of the citizen service and the einsatz that a well-considered technology offers. So make sure that the CO2 emissions through the cutbacks, the paper consumption and the Betriebskantine are greatly reduced. Ensure that the CO2 compensation of the CO2 emission reduction (Scope 1, 2 and 3) is reduced and as one of the first versions of the Ausschließlichkeitsvertriebs by the Ausgleichsmaßnahmen to the Gold Standard.

Erneut “Great place to work”

The Bavarian company has further developed its activities in the areas of Vielfalt and Chancengleichheit and is now certified as a “Great Place to Work”. It is impossible that the Schaffung is an integrated Arbeitsumveld, in all Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter who increases the chance. Darüber has started in the year 2023 with the charter of the Vielfalt and a bereichsübergreifendes Fokusgruppe MENSCHSSICHERT gefoundet, one of the Themes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within the Bavarian core of the voranzutreiben. By the vast majority of employees, the job-sharing model for company positions is adapted, flexible work models and home offices for the company organization of bereavement and the family, which offer constant debts and workshops for awareness-raising for diversity and inclusion. The Bavarian Service offers individual employment offices and employment services that provide an external Sprachkurs in Deutsch für Nichtmuttersprachler.

Auszubildende and Studenten have been involved in the “SDG Scouts” program of BAUM eV” since 2023.

Klares Bekenntnis about nachhaltigem and responsible Investieren

The capital of the Bayerischen in Höhe von 4.3 Billion Euro integrates its ESG principles. So the Bavarian cuts since 2017 have affected the UNPRI. Darüber kan den Sicherungsvermögen der BL de Bayerische Lebensversicherung AG gemäß Art. 8 der Offenlegungsverordnung (OffVo) classification. This means that there is no investment and no responsible investment. The Bayerische Baut Investitionen in Project aus, the new energy and night infrastructure facilities. Speziell met de Pangea Life Blue Living Fonds met de Angebot en nachhaltigem Wohnraum vergrößert en dem Wohnungsmangel unter Beücksichtigung von Energie-efffizienzstandards entgegengewirkt. New investments may be made in future assets. “If our capital strategy is no longer stable, there are positive economic and social effects,” says Thomas Heigl, Finanzvorstand der Bayerischen.

Bis zu funf soziale Tage pro Jahr

The gesellschaftliche involvement of the Bavarian initiative has found a number of statistics about Social Week in 2022. Während der Social Weeks leisteten beef 50 Mitarbeitende deutlich über 200 Stunden ehrenamtlichen Einsatz. The Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter who are involved in the Corporate Social Volunteering Platform allow various social projects, the von der Unterstützung local community organizations are in their international Hilfsprojekten reichen. As useful as it is, it is a more fun Innovation internship. This innovation phase is valued by the Bayerische Jedem Mitarbeitenden zur personalWeiterbildung or für social Engagement.

Hervorragendes Assekurata-Rating in Bereich Nachhaltigkeit

The Asset Sustainability Rating protects Bavaria’s excellent sustainability performance, with a rating of “AA” (very good). In addition, the joint organisations of the organisation were involved in the further training strategy and a general orientation towards the internal market followed. The rating is no longer focused on the development and stability of the companies that guarantee the turnover of the company and partner in the sustainable development of Bavaria. The assessment results can provide a number of aspects of capital accountability, social commitment and ecological mass analysis as well as reasonable results.

About the Bavarian

The Versicherungsgruppe die Bayerische Wurde 1858 was founded and consists of the Gesellschaften BY die Bayerische Vorsorge Lebensversicherung aG (Konzernmutter), BL die Bayerische Lebensversicherung AG and der Kompositgesellschaft BA die Bayerische Allgemeine Versicherung AG. The Gruppe’s equity investments amount to 914 million euros. The Gruppe continuously raises its own capital. A capitalization of 4.3 billion euros was achieved. More than 12,000 people can use the 1.1 million dollars from the Bayerische Bundesweit zur Verfügung. The assessment agency can give the best assessment of the Konzernmuttergesellschaft of the Qualitätsnote A (“sehr gut”) best and label these Unternehmen a weit über dem Branchendurchschnitt lying Finanzstärke. The Töchter BA Bayerische Allgemeine AG and BL Bayerische Lebensversicherung AG received a good rating with a purchase. I have a high rating of the agent who offers the insurance group with AA comprehensive information.

Press contact:

Pressestelle der Unternehmensgruppe die Bayerische
Felicitas Eckert, Thomas-Dehler-Straße 25, 81737 Munich,
Telephone (089) 6787-8257,
E-mail: [email protected], Internet:

Original content from: de Bavarian, übermittelt durch news current
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