
Ignorant warning: Erste Absagen von Veranstaltungen

Ignorant warning: Erste Absagen von Veranstaltungen

The Mistfest in Hernals no longer found its way into the Wetterlage, the Weinlese am Himmel and the Wiener-Kaffeehaus-Flohmarkt were closed.

The Wetterlage in Austria does not look – starting with Donnerstag is the Starkregen period, except Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria are sometimes affected. Gerade in the Wochenende, one of the many veranstaltende events that follow this – and it is possible to record more wet beds.

Aus Sicherheitsgründen is planted in front of the Samstag and Sonntag Mist Festival der MA48 in Hernals nicht stattfinden. „The Mistfest zu a large part with plenty of attractions and conditions in a free state to be found“, if the retreat depends on the wind and weather conditions, it is in one of the extensive parts of MA48. „Rain and music or cool play with an untergeordnete Rolle, aber Wind, Sturmböen or Gewittern since we are happy“, with 48er-Abteilungsleiter Josef Thon zitiert. If this Grund is male, the Mistfest has run out of stats.

Also the 14. Wiener Kaffeehaus-Flohmarktthat had been planted in the Julius-Meinl-Gasse in Ottakring für Samstag was moved. Roads of the Schlechtwetters is on the Samstag, 28. September, who the organizers write on Instagram.

Der von Freitag bis Sonntag planted City Laurel Church Day gab schon am zijndag kannt, dass man “aufgrund von erwarteten Windspitzen bis 80 km/h anyway unünstigen Wetterbedingungen” the Veranstaltung absagen müsse.

Also affected is the Wineries. Am Himmel an der Wiener Höhenstraße hat man die Rotweinlese with willingly Helfern von Donnerstag auf Mittwoch vorzoet. The white wine is collected by the Wetterbedingungen who shift on the coming Wochenende.

Das Mittelalterfest, das von Freitag bis Sonntag im im New Bergen Castle in the dormant plant war the negative Wetterprognose was postponed. The new terminology will probably end up on the website.

The Roman Festival Carnuntum has not found any statistics. “The current situation is a safe and sinful during the Roman festivals that are not leaders, we will abdicate the Veranstaltung schweren heart”, he has ended up on the website. Ready-made tickets were “self-understood refunded”.

Absagt ist der slechten Wetterprognosen auch das Korneuburg Harbor Festivaldas am Samstag und Sonntag stattfinden hätte sollen. “If the Absage occurs, the Wetterprognose will be the leader of the responsible duration of the Veranstaltung zu,” wrote the Veranstalter on the Website.

Keine Absage, aber Änderungen

Sehr wohl stattfinden soll die Literature girl ZieglergasseA man was found on the Schlechtwetter-Variante zurückgreifen, where the Veranstalter was listed on your website. So wander through the program, the statistics of the main building find sollen in the Amtshaus in the Hermanngase. Also with the slightly adapted program, man on many visitors.

Stattfinden soll am Samstag auch das Open House Viennaif it is normal that no architectural projects are possible. The festival took place in the fall, said Speaker Sabine Wolfgang. It is a great experience, a woman who is preparing. As Freiflächen – specifically one of the Freie Mitte am Nordbahnhof, the temporary establishment of the MuseumsQuartiers, the Initiative Schwimmverein Donaukanal, ‘Stadt aufmöbeln’ in Fritzi-Massary-Park and the new Wohnstraße TikTak Galilei – a man was “spontan entscheiden, ob man Führungen anbietet oder nicht“. This is the Saturday on the website that is regularly activated by Liveticker with the latest events. (eko/tes)

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