
Travel Tips: Ciao, Roma! The hotspots of the Italian Hauptstadt

Travel Tips: Ciao, Roma! The hotspots of the Italian Hauptstadt

Travel Tips
Ciao, Roma! The hotspots of the Italian Hauptstadt

Lily Collins (Emily Cooper) and Eugenio Franceschini (Marcello) pose for them "Trevi Fountain" (Trevi Fountain) in Rome.

Lily Collins (Emily Cooper) and Eugenio Franceschini (Marcello) pose in front of the “Fontana di Trevi” (Trevibrunnen) in Rom.

© Giulia Parmigiani/Netflix

Now that Emily Cooper is no longer fond of Dolce Vita in Bella Italia, at the top of the world: we will see and betray the beautiful and luxurious hotspots in the “new city”, where we might one day make a trip.

Many Vespas, other gemäuer, eiskalte negronis and ganz fell Amore: Werlaub in the Italian factory, come in the “ewigen Stadt” Rom nicht vorbei. Einst de Hauptstadt des gigantic Römischen Reiches und Epizentrum für Kunst, Kultur und Modern Zivilisation, concludes Rom auch heute noch with Stil, Kultur und Geschichte zum Anfassen. But who heißt es si schön: Tradition is not the Anbetung der Asche, under the Weitergabe des Feuers. A man who jumps to Ecke in Rome.

Nights with a Superstar

For stars and super-reichs ist – especially on travel – now the best good pleasure. Die Hotels vom britischen Unternehmer Rocco Forte, 79, offers more luxury, combined with service at Spitzen level. Gleich three Häuser concerns the following hotel group in Rome: the Hotel de Russie, the Hotel de la Ville and the Rocco Forte House. With Grandezza and jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung, the team in Aufenthalt walks towards an experience. Die Eleganz des Interiors starred Audrey Hepburn in “Roman Holiday” (“Ein Herz und eine Krone”, 1953).

Fashion Victims are not alone in the Bulgari Hotel, but in the Tiber with 114 luxurious Zimmern aufwartet. For the past 90 years, the world famous Schmucklabel der Stars in Italy has been around and is growing around the Schmuckstücken now in Himmlische Hotels.

If you want something a bit more exciting, take a look at Boutiquehotel Maalot. The durchgestylten 30 Zimmer in Trendviertel Trevi is a feast for interior fans. While Ecke finds new and new ways to start here, it is worth checking out the street of the old trendviertels.

Luxury shopping in Italy

The Piazza di Spagna, Via del Corso and Via Condotti are the pulsating centre for shopping malls. A designer label is here a nächste, a special Italian Mark of Gucci who buys his best real estate. Individual and gemütlicher people are in Monti or Trastevere, two small boutiques, ateliers and concept stores in their curated Designs presentations. A spazier walk through the shopping street with coppice is a Muss.

For books and lies: Creating “farm to table food” is not possible when using Libereria Tuba. Das von Frauen geführte Geschäft ist a Mischiung aus Buchhandlung and Cafés with regular Events and Workshops. Overview: The Roman Fashion House Fendi is located in the main quarter at the Palazzo della Civilta Italiana. Besucher: inn zu kostenlose Ausstellungen ain. A beautiful look in itself, elegantly decorated with luxurious fashion and beautiful interior collections.

Pizza, pasta and love

All culture and culture are of course natural for their fine cuisine. Coupled with spectacular views of the Vatican, Colosseum and Pantheon during the evening dinner with an unvergesslichen erlebnis.

My Rooftop Restaurant “La Terraza” of the Eden Hotel was Mediterranean oriented with modern Twist service. Chef Salvatore Bianco prepares Speisen, die alle Sinne Zeitgleich, and entführt de Guests für wenige Stunden in een hanger Welt. No less recommended is the Rooftop Cocktail Bar “Terrazza Les Etoiles” at the Atlante Hotel. At Aperol Spritz, Negroni and Co. are the Sykline Roms and ganz under Petersdom in full splendor.

The profitable little “Enoteca L’Antidoto” in Trastevere is now three and fun for Barstühle, which makes for a great wine tasting and seasonal wine tasting. A secret tip, for that is a Wartezeit lohnt!

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