
Linke and BSW attack Ampel in the Generaldebatte Von dpa-AFX

Linke and BSW attack Ampel in the Generaldebatte Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the General debate of the Bundestags, Linke and Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) de Ampel and Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) have found their way to a failed political attack on the Schwerpunktsetzungen. The co-researchers of the Gruppe de Linke, Heidi Reichinnek, warf der Regierung vor, keine Lösungen für Themen wie Mieten, Kliniken or Arbeitsplatzsicherung zu haben. “Yes, we know about Migration reasons (…), but not so, if this is a problem, before the country is a good thing,” Reichinnek said.

The BSW founder and co-chair of the BSW Bundestag group, Sahra Wagenknecht, said, the Ampel-politics let people and democracy fade away. “Democratic politics has begun, if the problem in the country is interesting, it can be one of the most important consequences.” Wagenknecht criticizes other companies that have planted the US rockets in Germany and Scholz has led to a direction of a government for democracy, Wohlstand, Sicherheit and Frieden in Germany.