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The Wissenschaftler data are from the Global Dietary Database, the national nutritional requirements are shown. These data are displayed with information from the Weltbank in the 31 federal states. Soul wars, the nutritional requirement of the rapid global population growth (99.3 percent) in 185 countries to investigate. Inherited were 15 essential nutritional substances, namely potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E.

The study is no longer in the Entwicklungsländern, but in the industrial regions most people are best done. Especially the new Kalziumaufnahme in South and East Africa, which casts a critical eye in the South of the Sahara. Sogar in North America and Europe lagged behind the Kalziumversorgung.

Geschlechtspecezifische Unterschiede beim Nährstoffmangel

More interestingly, it is very easy to help men and women near the Nährstoffmangel. Women can include a few ingredients such as vitamin B12, vitamin B12, eisen and selen, while men can use their mixtures with potassium, niacin, thiamine, zinc and vitamins A, C and B6. Other affected were the youth and young years who zwischen and 30 years.

Was it a global community?

The following types of micro-material means are often a problem for all children, women and other people. A Mangel and an Eisen-führtbeispielsweise zu Anämie, the Risk of pregnancy complications is increased. Jodmangel is characterized by the spiritual childhood disease, in which the risk of osteoporosis and knochchenbrüchen is tackled on another scaffold.